From 2fbeb17761d7ac5299afcadbad9cd224ed562be6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Loraine Gueguen <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2021 18:43:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor run_wf (WIP). Create generic class runWorkflow, and
 child class runWorkflowJbrowse

 ...> |  33 +-             | 607 ++++++++++++++++++                           | 142 ++++                         |  31 +
 4 files changed, 795 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 rename => (99%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 99%
rename from
rename to
index 8656ab0..ddbc583
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,14 +16,9 @@ import utilities_bioblend
 import speciesData
 import constants
 import constants_phaeo
+import runWorkflowPhaeo
-Usage: $ python3 -i input_example.yml --config [config file] [OPTIONS]
-class StrainWorkflowParam:
+class OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(runWorkflowPhaeo.OrgWorkflowParam):
     def __init__(self, genus_species, strain_sex, genus_uppercase, chado_species_name, full_name, species_folder_name,
                  org_id, history_id, instance, genome_analysis_id=None, ogs_analysis_id=None, blastp_analysis_id=None, interpro_analysis_id=None,
@@ -41,13 +36,15 @@ class StrainWorkflowParam:
         self.interpro_analysis_id = interpro_analysis_id
         self.history_id = history_id
         self.instance = instance
-        self.genome_hda_id = genome_hda_id,
-        self.gff_hda_id = gff_hda_id,
-        self.transcripts_hda_id = transcripts_hda_id,
-        self.proteins_hda_id = proteins_hda_id,
-        self.blastp_hda_id = blastp_hda_id,
-        self.blastx_hda_id = blastx_hda_id,
-        self.interproscan_hda_id = interproscan_hda_id,
+        self.genome_hda_id = genome_hda_id
+        self.gff_hda_id = gff_hda_id
+        self.transcripts_hda_id = transcripts_hda_id
+        self.proteins_hda_id = proteins_hda_id
+        self.blastp_hda_id = blastp_hda_id
+        self.blastx_hda_id = blastx_hda_id
+        self.interproscan_hda_id = interproscan_hda_id
+        super().__init__(genus_species, strain_sex, genus_uppercase, chado_species_name, full_name, species_folder_name,
+                 org_id, history_id, instance)
     def check_param_for_workflow_load_fasta_gff_jbrowse(self):
         params = [self.genus_species, self.strain_sex, self.genus_uppercase,
@@ -699,7 +696,7 @@ def get_sp_workflow_param(sp_dict, main_dir, config, workflow_type):
             # Create the StrainWorkflowParam object holding all attributes needed for the workflow
-            sp_wf_param = StrainWorkflowParam(
+            sp_wf_param = OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(
                 genus_uppercase = run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_uppercase,
@@ -730,7 +727,7 @@ def get_sp_workflow_param(sp_dict, main_dir, config, workflow_type):
             # Create the StrainWorkflowParam object holding all attributes needed for the workflow
-            sp_wf_param = StrainWorkflowParam(
+            sp_wf_param = OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(
                 genus_uppercase = run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_uppercase,
@@ -760,7 +757,7 @@ def get_sp_workflow_param(sp_dict, main_dir, config, workflow_type):
             # Create the StrainWorkflowParam object holding all attributes needed for the workflow
-            sp_wf_param = StrainWorkflowParam(
+            sp_wf_param = OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(
                 genus_uppercase = run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_uppercase,
@@ -786,7 +783,7 @@ def get_sp_workflow_param(sp_dict, main_dir, config, workflow_type):
 def install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(instance, workflow_path):
-    Read a .ga file to extract the information about the different tools called. 
+    Read a .ga file to extract the information about the different tools called.
     Check if every tool is installed via a "show_tool".
     If a tool is not installed (versions don't match), send a warning to the logger and install the required changeset (matching the tool version)
     Doesn't do anything if versions match
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500f2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import bioblend.galaxy.objects
+import argparse
+import os
+import logging
+import sys
+import json
+import time
+import utilities
+import utilities_bioblend
+import constants
+import constants_phaeo
+import runWorkflowPhaeo
+class OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(runWorkflowPhaeo.OrgWorkflowParam):
+    def __init__(self, genus_uppercase, chado_species_name, full_name, species_folder_name,
+                 org_id, history_id, instance, genome_analysis_id=None, ogs_analysis_id=None,
+                 genome_hda_id=None, gff_hda_id=None, transcripts_hda_id=None, proteins_hda_id=None):
+        self.genome_analysis_id = genome_analysis_id
+        self.ogs_analysis_id = ogs_analysis_id
+        self.genome_hda_id = genome_hda_id
+        self.gff_hda_id = gff_hda_id
+        self.transcripts_hda_id = transcripts_hda_id
+        self.proteins_hda_id = proteins_hda_id
+        super().__init__(genus_uppercase, chado_species_name, full_name, species_folder_name,
+                 org_id, history_id, instance)
+    def check_param(self):
+        params = [self.genus_uppercase,
+                  self.chado_species_name,
+                  self.full_name,
+                  self.species_folder_name,
+                  self.org_id,
+                  self.history_id,
+                  self.instance,
+                  self.genome_analysis_id,
+                  self.ogs_analysis_id,
+                  self.genome_hda_id,
+                  self.gff_hda_id,
+                  self.transcripts_hda_id,
+                  self.proteins_hda_id]
+        utilities_bioblend.check_wf_param(self.full_name, params)
+class RunWorkflowJbrowse(runWorkflowPhaeo.RunWorkflow):
+    """
+    Run a workflow into the galaxy instance's history of a given species
+    This script is made to work for a Phaeoexplorer-specific workflow, but can be adapted to run any workflow,
+    provided the user creates their own workflow in a .ga format, and change the set_parameters function
+    to have the correct parameters for their workflow
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parameters_dictionary):
+        super().__init__(parameters_dictionary)
+        self.chado_species_name = " ".join(utilities.filter_empty_not_empty_items(
+            [self.species, self.strain,])["not_empty"])
+        self.abbreviation = self.genus_uppercase[0] + ". " + self.chado_species_name
+        self.common =
+        if not self.common_name is None and self.common_name != "":
+            self.common = self.common_name
+        self.genome_analysis_name = "genome v{0} of {1}".format(self.genome_version, self.full_name)
+        self.genome_analysis_programversion = "genome v{0}".format(self.genome_version)
+        self.genome_analysis_sourcename = self.full_name
+        self.ogs_analysis_name = "OGS{0} of {1}".format(self.ogs_version, self.full_name)
+        self.ogs_analysis_programversion = "OGS{0}".format(self.ogs_version)
+        self.ogs_analysis_sourcename = self.full_name
+        self.genome_hda_id = None
+        self.gff_hda_id = None
+        self.transcripts_hda_id = None
+        self.proteins_hda_id = None
+    def install_changesets_revisions_for_individual_tools(self):
+        """
+        This function is used to verify that installed tools called outside workflows have the correct versions and changesets
+        If it finds versions don't match, will install the correct version + changeset in the instance
+        Doesn't do anything if versions match
+        :return:
+        """
+"Validating installed individual tools versions and changesets")
+        # Verify that the add_organism and add_analysis versions are correct in the instance
+        # changeset for 2.3.4+galaxy0 has to be manually found because there is no way to get the wanted changeset of a non installed tool via bioblend
+        # except for workflows (.ga) that already contain the changeset revisions inside the steps ids
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.GET_ANALYSES_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.GET_ANALYSES_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.GET_ANALYSES_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.ADD_ORGANISM_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.ADD_ORGANISM_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.ADD_ORGANISM_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.ANALYSIS_SYNC_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.ANALYSIS_SYNC_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.ANALYSIS_SYNC_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+        utilities_bioblend.install_repository_revision(tool_id=constants_phaeo.ORGANISM_SYNC_TOOL_ID,
+                                                       version=constants_phaeo.ORGANISM_SYNC_TOOL_VERSION,
+                                                       changeset_revision=constants_phaeo.ORGANISM_SYNC_TOOL_CHANGESET_REVISION,
+                                                       instance=self.instance)
+"Success: individual tools versions and changesets validated")
+    def add_organism_and_sync(self):
+        get_organisms_tool_dataset = utilities_bioblend.run_tool_and_download_single_output_dataset(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants_phaeo.GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL_ID,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={},
+            time_sleep=10
+        )
+        organisms_dict_list = json.loads(get_organisms_tool_dataset)  # Turn the dataset into a list for parsing
+        org_id = None
+        # Look up list of outputs (dictionaries)
+        for org_dict in organisms_dict_list:
+            if org_dict["genus"] == self.genus_uppercase and org_dict["species"] == self.chado_species_name:
+                org_id = str(org_dict["organism_id"])  # id needs to be a str to be recognized by chado tools
+        if org_id is None:
+            add_organism_tool_dataset = utilities_bioblend.run_tool_and_download_single_output_dataset(
+                instance=self.instance,
+                tool_id=constants_phaeo.ADD_ORGANISM_TOOL_ID,
+                history_id=self.history_id,
+                tool_inputs={"abbr": self.abbreviation,
+                             "genus": self.genus_uppercase,
+                             "species": self.chado_species_name,
+                             "common": self.common})
+            organism_dict = json.loads(add_organism_tool_dataset)
+            org_id = str(organism_dict["organism_id"])  # id needs to be a str to be recognized by chado tools
+        # Synchronize newly added organism in Tripal
+"Synchronizing organism %s in Tripal" % self.full_name)
+        time.sleep(60)
+        utilities_bioblend.run_tool(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants_phaeo.ORGANISM_SYNC_TOOL_ID,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={"organism_id": org_id})
+        return org_id
+    def import_datasets_into_history(self):
+        """
+        Find datasets in a library, get their ID and import them into the current history if they are not already
+        """
+        genome_ldda_id = None
+        transcripts_ldda_id = None
+        proteins_ldda_id = None
+        gff_ldda_id = None
+        genome_hda_id = None
+        gff_hda_id = None
+        transcripts_hda_id = None
+        proteins_hda_id = None
+        folder_dict_list = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=str(self.library_id))
+        folders_id_dict = {}
+        # Loop over the folders in the library and map folders names to their IDs
+        for folder_dict in folder_dict_list:
+            folders_id_dict[folder_dict["name"]] = folder_dict["id"]
+        # Iterating over the folders to find datasets and map datasets to their IDs
+        for folder_name, folder_id in folders_id_dict.items():
+            if folder_name == "/genome/{0}/v{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.genome_version):
+                sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=folder_id, contents=True)
+                for value in sub_folder_content.values():
+                    for e in value:
+                        if type(e) == dict:
+                            if e["name"].endswith(self.genome_filename):
+                                genome_ldda_id = e["ldda_id"]
+            if folder_name == "/annotation/{0}/OGS{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.ogs_version):
+                sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=folder_id, contents=True)
+                for value in sub_folder_content.values():
+                    for e in value:
+                        if type(e) == dict:
+                            ldda_name = e["name"]
+                            ldda_id = e["ldda_id"]
+                            if ldda_name.endswith(self.transcripts_filename):
+                                transcripts_ldda_id = ldda_id
+                            elif ldda_name.endswith(self.proteins_filename):
+                                proteins_ldda_id = ldda_id
+                            elif ldda_name.endswith(self.gff_filename):
+                                gff_ldda_id = ldda_id
+        hda_list = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets(self.history_id)
+        # Finding datasets in history (matching datasets names)
+        for hda in hda_list:
+            hda_name = hda["name"]
+            hda_id = hda["id"]
+            if hda_name == self.genome_filename:
+                genome_hda_id = hda_id
+            if hda_name ==  self.gff_filename:
+                gff_hda_id = hda_id
+            if hda_name == self.transcripts_filename:
+                transcripts_hda_id = hda_id
+            if hda_name == self.proteins_filename :
+                proteins_hda_id = hda_id
+        # Import each dataset into history if it is not imported
+        logging.debug("Uploading datasets into history %s" % self.history_id)
+        if genome_hda_id is None:
+            genome_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=genome_ldda_id)
+            genome_hda_id = genome_dataset_upload["id"]
+        if gff_hda_id is  None:
+            gff_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=gff_ldda_id)
+            gff_hda_id = gff_dataset_upload["id"]
+        if proteins_hda_id is None:
+            proteins_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=proteins_ldda_id)
+            proteins_hda_id = proteins_dataset_upload["id"]
+        if transcripts_hda_id is None:
+            transcripts_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=transcripts_ldda_id)
+            transcripts_hda_id = transcripts_dataset_upload["id"]
+        self.genome_hda_id = genome_hda_id
+        self.gff_hda_id = gff_hda_id
+        self.transcripts_hda_id = transcripts_hda_id
+        self.proteins_hda_id = proteins_hda_id
+def prepare_history_and_get_wf_param(sp_dict_list, main_dir, config):
+    all_org_wf_param_dict = {}
+    for sp_dict in sp_dict_list:
+        run_workflow_for_current_organism = RunWorkflowJbrowse(parameters_dictionary=sp_dict)
+        # Verifying the galaxy container is running
+        if not utilities_bioblend.check_galaxy_state(network_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species,
+                                                     script_dir=run_workflow_for_current_organism.script_dir):
+            logging.critical(
+                "The galaxy container for %s is not ready yet!" % run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species)
+            sys.exit()
+        else:
+            # Setting some of the instance attributes
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.main_dir = main_dir
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_galaxy_instance(config)
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_history()
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_for_individual_tools()
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
+            analyses_dict_list = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_analyses()
+            org_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_and_sync()
+            genome_analysis_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_analysis_and_sync(
+                analyses_dict_list=analyses_dict_list,
+                analysis_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_analysis_name,
+                analysis_programversion=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_analysis_programversion,
+                analysis_sourcename=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_analysis_sourcename
+            )
+            ogs_analysis_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_analysis_and_sync(
+                analyses_dict_list=analyses_dict_list,
+                analysis_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.ogs_analysis_name,
+                analysis_programversion=run_workflow_for_current_organism.ogs_analysis_programversion,
+                analysis_sourcename=run_workflow_for_current_organism.ogs_analysis_sourcename
+            )
+            # Create the StrainWorkflowParam object holding all attributes needed for the workflow
+            org_wf_param = OrgWorkflowParamJbrowse(
+                genus_uppercase=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_uppercase,
+                full_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.full_name,
+                species_folder_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.species_folder_name,
+                chado_species_name=run_workflow_for_current_organism.chado_species_name,
+                org_id=org_id,
+                genome_analysis_id=genome_analysis_id,
+                ogs_analysis_id=ogs_analysis_id,
+                genome_hda_id=run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_hda_id,
+                gff_hda_id=run_workflow_for_current_organism.gff_hda_id,
+                transcripts_hda_id=run_workflow_for_current_organism.transcripts_hda_id,
+                proteins_hda_id=run_workflow_for_current_organism.proteins_hda_id,
+                history_id=run_workflow_for_current_organism.history_id,
+                instance=run_workflow_for_current_organism.instance
+            )
+            org_wf_param.check_param()
+            # Add the species dictionary to the complete dictionary
+            # This dictionary contains every organism present in the input file
+            # Its structure is the following:
+            # {genus species: {strain1_sex1: {variables_key: variables_values}, strain1_sex2: {variables_key: variables_values}}}
+            if not run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species in all_org_wf_param_dict.keys():
+                all_org_wf_param_dict[run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species] = {
+                    run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain_sex: org_wf_param}
+            else:
+                if not run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain_sex in all_org_wf_param_dict[
+                    run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species].keys():
+                    all_org_wf_param_dict[run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species][
+                        run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain_sex] = org_wf_param
+                else:
+                    logging.error("Duplicate organism with 'genus_species' = '{0}' and 'strain_sex' = '{1}'".format(
+                        run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species, run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain_sex))
+    return all_org_wf_param_dict
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run Galaxy workflows, specific to Phaeoexplorer data")
+    parser.add_argument("input",
+                        type=str,
+                        help="Input file (yml)")
+    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",
+                        help="Increase output verbosity",
+                        action="store_true")
+    parser.add_argument("--config",
+                        type=str,
+                        help="Config path, default to the 'config' file inside the script repository")
+    parser.add_argument("--main-directory",
+                        type=str,
+                        help="Where the stack containers will be located, defaults to working directory")
+    parser.add_argument("--workflow", "-w",
+                        type=str,
+                        help="Worfklow to run. Available options: load_fasta_gff_jbrowse, blast, interpro")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    bioblend_logger = logging.getLogger("bioblend")
+    if args.verbose:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+        bioblend_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    else:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+        bioblend_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    # Parsing the config file if provided, using the default config otherwise
+    if args.config:
+        config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config)
+    else:
+        config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+    main_dir = None
+    if not args.main_directory:
+        main_dir = os.getcwd()
+    else:
+        main_dir = os.path.abspath(args.main_directory)
+    config = utilities.parse_config(config_file)
+    sp_dict_list = utilities.parse_input(args.input)
+    script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
+    all_org_wf_param_dict = prepare_history_and_get_wf_param(
+        sp_dict_list=sp_dict_list,
+        main_dir=main_dir,
+        config=config)
+    for genus_species, strains in all_org_wf_param_dict.items():
+        strains_list = list(strains.keys())
+        strains_count = len(strains_list)
+        if strains_count == 1:
+  "Input species %s: 1 strain detected in input dictionary" % genus_species)
+            strain_sex = list(strains.keys())[0]
+            org_wf_param = strains[strain_sex]
+            # Set workflow path (1 organism)
+            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), constants_phaeo.WORKFLOWS_PATH, constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_FILE)
+            # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
+            utilities_bioblend.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=org_wf_param.instance)
+            # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
+            workflow_parameters = {}
+            # Input files have no parameters (they are set via assigning the hda IDs in the datamap parameter of the bioblend method)
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_GENOME] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_GFF] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_LOAD_FASTA] = {
+                "organism": org_wf_param.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": org_wf_param.genome_analysis_id,
+                "do_update": "true"}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_JBROWSE] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_LOAD_GFF] = {
+                "organism": org_wf_param.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": org_wf_param.ogs_analysis_id}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_FEATURE_SYNC] = {
+                "organism_id": org_wf_param.org_id}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_POPULATE_VIEWS] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_INDEX] = {}
+            # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
+            datamap = {}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_GENOME] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_wf_param.genome_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_GFF] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_wf_param.gff_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_wf_param.proteins_hda_id}
+            with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+                # Store the decoded json dictionary
+                workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+                workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
+                # For the Jbrowse tool, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
+                # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
+                # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
+                if constants.CONF_JBROWSE_MENU_URL not in config.keys():
+                    # default
+                    root_url = "https://{0}".format(config[constants.CONF_ALL_HOSTNAME])
+                else:
+                    root_url = config[constants.CONF_JBROWSE_MENU_URL]
+                species_strain_sex = org_wf_param.chado_species_name.replace(" ", "-")
+                jbrowse_menu_url = "{root_url}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species_strain_sex}/mRNA/{id}".format(
+                    root_url=root_url,
+                    genus_sp=genus_species,
+                    Genus=org_wf_param.genus_uppercase,
+                    species_strain_sex=species_strain_sex,
+                    id="{id}")
+                # Replace values in the workflow dictionary
+                workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_JBROWSE]["tool_state"] = \
+                    workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_JBROWSE]["tool_state"]\
+                    .replace("__MENU_URL_ORG__", jbrowse_menu_url)
+                workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_JB_TO_CONTAINER]["tool_state"] = \
+                    workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_1_ORG_STEP_JB_TO_CONTAINER]["tool_state"]\
+                    .replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG__", org_wf_param.full_name)\
+                    .replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG__", org_wf_param.species_folder_name)
+                # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
+                org_wf_param.instance.workflows.import_workflow_dict(workflow_dict=workflow_dict)
+                # Get its attributes
+                workflow_dict_list = org_wf_param.instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+                # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
+                workflow_id = workflow_dict_list[0]["id"]  # Index 0 is the most recently imported workflow (the one we want)
+                logging.debug("Workflow ID: %s" % workflow_id)
+                # Check if the workflow is found
+                try:
+                    show_workflow = org_wf_param.instance.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+                except bioblend.ConnectionError:
+                    logging.warning("Error finding workflow %s" % workflow_name)
+                # Finally, invoke the workflow along with its datamap, parameters and the history in which to invoke it
+                org_wf_param.instance.workflows.invoke_workflow(
+                    workflow_id=workflow_id,
+                    history_id=org_wf_param.history_id,
+                    params=workflow_parameters,
+                    inputs=datamap,
+                    allow_tool_state_corrections=True)
+      "Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance for the jobs state".format(workflow_name))
+        if strains_count == 2:
+  "Input organism %s: 2 species detected in input dictionary" % genus_species)
+            strain_sex_org1 = strains_list[0]
+            strain_sex_org2 = strains_list[1]
+            sp_wf_param_org1 = strains[strain_sex_org1]
+            sp_wf_param_org2 = strains[strain_sex_org2]
+            # Set workflow path (2 organisms)
+            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), constants_phaeo.WORKFLOWS_PATH, constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_FILE)
+            # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
+            utilities_bioblend.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=sp_wf_param_org1.instance)
+            # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
+            workflow_parameters = {}
+            # Input files have no parameters (they are set via assigning the hda IDs in the datamap parameter of the bioblend method)
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GENOME_ORG1] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GFF_ORG1] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS_ORG1] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GENOME_ORG2] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GFF_ORG2] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS_ORG2] = {}
+            # Organism 1
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_LOAD_FASTA_ORG1] = {
+                "organism": sp_wf_param_org1.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": sp_wf_param_org1.genome_analysis_id,
+                "do_update": "true"}
+            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org1}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JBROWSE_ORG1] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_LOAD_GFF_ORG1] = {
+                "organism": sp_wf_param_org1.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": sp_wf_param_org1.ogs_analysis_id}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_FEATURE_SYNC_ORG1] = {
+                "organism_id": sp_wf_param_org1.org_id}
+            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {"organisms": [{"name": org1_full_name, "unique_id": org1_species_folder_name, }, {"name": org2_full_name, "unique_id": org2_species_folder_name}]}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JB_TO_CONTAINER] = {}
+            # Organism 2
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_LOAD_FASTA_ORG2] = {
+                "organism": sp_wf_param_org2.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": sp_wf_param_org2.genome_analysis_id,
+                "do_update": "true"}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_LOAD_GFF_ORG2] = {
+                "organism": sp_wf_param_org2.org_id,
+                "analysis_id": sp_wf_param_org2.ogs_analysis_id}
+            # workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org2}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_FEATURE_SYNC_ORG2] = {
+                "organism_id": sp_wf_param_org2.org_id}
+            # POPULATE + INDEX DATA
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_POPULATE_VIEWS] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_INDEX] = {}
+            # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
+            datamap = {}
+            # Organism 1
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GENOME_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org1.genome_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GFF_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org1.gff_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org1.proteins_hda_id}
+            # Organism 2
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GENOME_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org2.genome_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_GFF_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org2.gff_hda_id}
+            datamap[constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_INPUT_PROTEINS_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": sp_wf_param_org2.proteins_hda_id}
+            with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+                # Store the decoded json dictionary
+                workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+                workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
+                # For the Jbrowse tool, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
+                # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
+                # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
+                if constants.CONF_JBROWSE_MENU_URL not in config.keys():
+                    # default
+                    root_url = "https://{0}".format(config[constants.CONF_ALL_HOSTNAME])
+                else:
+                    root_url = config[constants.CONF_JBROWSE_MENU_URL]
+                species_strain_sex_org1 = sp_wf_param_org1.chado_species_name.replace(" ", "-")
+                species_strain_sex_org2 = sp_wf_param_org2.chado_species_name.replace(" ", "-")
+                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "{root_url}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species_strain_sex}/mRNA/{id}".format(
+                    root_url=root_url,
+                    genus_sp=genus_species,
+                    Genus=sp_wf_param_org1.genus_uppercase,
+                    species_strain_sex=species_strain_sex_org1,
+                    id="{id}")
+                jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "{root_url}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species_strain_sex}/mRNA/{id}".format(
+                    root_url=root_url,
+                    genus_sp=genus_species,
+                    Genus=sp_wf_param_org2.genus_uppercase,
+                    species_strain_sex=species_strain_sex_org2,
+                    id="{id}")
+                # Replace values in the workflow dictionary
+                jbrowse_tool_state_org1 = workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JBROWSE_ORG1]["tool_state"]
+                jbrowse_tool_state_org1 = jbrowse_tool_state_org1.replace("__MENU_URL_ORG1__", jbrowse_menu_url_org1)
+                jbrowse_tool_state_org2 = workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JRBOWSE_ORG2]["tool_state"]
+                jbrowse_tool_state_org2 = jbrowse_tool_state_org2.replace("__MENU_URL_ORG2__", jbrowse_menu_url_org2)
+                # The UNIQUE_ID is specific to a combination genus_species_strain_sex so every combination should have its unique workflow
+                # in galaxy --> define a naming method for these workflows
+                workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JB_TO_CONTAINER]["tool_state"] = \
+                    workflow_dict["steps"][constants_phaeo.WF_LOAD_GFF_JB_2_ORG_STEP_JB_TO_CONTAINER]["tool_state"]\
+                    .replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG1__", sp_wf_param_org1.full_name)\
+                    .replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG1__", sp_wf_param_org1.species_folder_name)\
+                    .replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG2__", sp_wf_param_org2.full_name)\
+                    .replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG2__", sp_wf_param_org2.species_folder_name)
+                # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
+                sp_wf_param_org1.instance.workflows.import_workflow_dict(workflow_dict=workflow_dict)
+                # Get its attributes
+                workflow_dict_list = sp_wf_param_org1.instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+                # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
+                workflow_id = workflow_dict_list[0]["id"]  # Index 0 is the most recently imported workflow (the one we want)
+                logging.debug("Workflow ID: %s" % workflow_id)
+                # Check if the workflow is found
+                try:
+                    show_workflow = sp_wf_param_org1.instance.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+                except bioblend.ConnectionError:
+                    logging.warning("Error finding workflow %s" % workflow_name)
+                # Finally, invoke the workflow alogn with its datamap, parameters and the history in which to invoke it
+                sp_wf_param_org1.instance.workflows.invoke_workflow(
+                    workflow_id=workflow_id,
+                    history_id=sp_wf_param_org1.history_id,
+                    params=workflow_parameters,
+                    inputs=datamap,
+                    allow_tool_state_corrections=True)
+      "Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance for the jobs state".format(workflow_name))
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aede4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import json
+import time
+import utilities_bioblend
+import speciesData
+import constants
+import constants_phaeo
+class OrgWorkflowParam:
+    def __init__(self, genus_uppercase, chado_species_name, full_name, species_folder_name,
+                 org_id, history_id, instance):
+        self.genus_uppercase = genus_uppercase
+        self.chado_species_name = chado_species_name,
+        self.full_name = full_name
+        self.species_folder_name = species_folder_name
+        self.org_id = org_id
+        self.history_id = history_id
+        self.instance = instance
+class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
+    """
+    Run a workflow into the galaxy instance's history of a given species
+    This script is made to work for a Phaeoexplorer-specific workflow, but can be adapted to run any workflow,
+    provided the user creates their own workflow in a .ga format, and change the set_parameters function
+    to have the correct parameters for their workflow
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parameters_dictionary):
+        super().__init__(parameters_dictionary)
+        self.history_name = str(self.genus_species)
+    def set_galaxy_instance(self, config):
+        # Set the instance url attribute --> TODO: the localhost rule in the docker-compose still doesn't work on scratchgmodv1
+        instance_url = "http://localhost:{0}/sp/{1}/galaxy/".format(
+            config[constants.CONF_ALL_HTTP_PORT],
+            self.genus_species)
+        self.instance = utilities_bioblend.get_galaxy_instance(
+            instance_url=instance_url,
+            email=config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL],
+            password=config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD],
+        )
+    def set_history(self):
+        self.history_id = utilities_bioblend.get_history(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            history_name=self.history_name)
+    def get_analyses(self):
+        get_analyses_tool_dataset = utilities_bioblend.run_tool_and_download_single_output_dataset(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants_phaeo.GET_ANALYSES_TOOL_ID,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={},
+            time_sleep=10
+        )
+        analyses_dict_list = json.loads(get_analyses_tool_dataset)
+        return analyses_dict_list
+    def add_analysis(self, name, programversion, sourcename):
+        add_analysis_tool_dataset = utilities_bioblend.run_tool_and_download_single_output_dataset(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_ID,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={"name": name,
+                         "program": constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_PARAM_PROGRAM,
+                         "programversion": programversion,
+                         "sourcename": sourcename,
+                         "date_executed": constants_phaeo.ADD_ANALYSIS_TOOL_PARAM_DATE})
+        analysis_dict = json.loads(add_analysis_tool_dataset)
+        analysis_id = str(analysis_dict["analysis_id"])
+        return analysis_id
+    def sync_analysis(self, analysis_id):
+        time.sleep(60)
+        utilities_bioblend.run_tool(
+            instance=self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants_phaeo.ANALYSIS_SYNC_TOOL_ID,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={"analysis_id": analysis_id})
+    def add_analysis_and_sync(self, analyses_dict_list, analysis_name, analysis_programversion, analysis_sourcename):
+        """
+        Add one analysis to Chado database
+        Required for Chado Load Tripal Synchronize workflow (which should be ran as the first workflow)
+        Called outside workflow for practical reasons (Chado add doesn't have an input link for analysis or organism)
+        """
+        analysis_id = None
+        # Look up list of outputs (dictionaries)
+        for analyses_dict in analyses_dict_list:
+            if analyses_dict["name"] == analysis_name:
+                analysis_id = str(analyses_dict["analysis_id"])
+        if analysis_id is None:
+            analysis_id = self.add_analysis(
+                name=analysis_name,
+                programversion=analysis_programversion,
+                sourcename=analysis_sourcename
+            )
+        # Synchronize analysis in Tripal
+"Synchronizing analysis %s in Tripal" % analysis_name)
+        self.sync_analysis(analysis_id=analysis_id)
+        return analysis_id
+    def get_invocation_report(self, workflow_name):
+        """
+        Debugging method for workflows
+        Simply logs and returns a report of the previous workflow invocation (execution of a workflow in
+        the instance via the API)
+        :param workflow_name:
+        :return:
+        """
+        workflow_attributes = self.instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+        workflow_id = workflow_attributes[1]["id"]  # Most recently imported workflow (index 1 in the list)
+        invocations = self.instance.workflows.get_invocations(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+        invocation_id = invocations[1]["id"]  # Most recent invocation
+        invocation_report = self.instance.invocations.get_invocation_report(invocation_id=invocation_id)
+        logging.debug(invocation_report)
+        return invocation_report
diff --git a/ b/
index 99a47ad..dc19d0e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import sys
 import os
 import subprocess
 import time
+import json
 import bioblend
 from bioblend import galaxy
@@ -137,3 +138,33 @@ def install_repository_revision(instance, tool_id, version, changeset_revision):
+def install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(instance, workflow_path):
+    """
+    Read a .ga file to extract the information about the different tools called.
+    Check if every tool is installed via a "show_tool".
+    If a tool is not installed (versions don't match), send a warning to the logger and install the required changeset (matching the tool version)
+    Doesn't do anything if versions match
+    :return:
+    """
+"Validating that installed tools versions and changesets match workflow versions")
+    # Load the workflow file (.ga) in a buffer
+    with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+        # Then store the decoded json dictionary
+        workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+        # Look up every "step_id" looking for tools
+        for step in workflow_dict["steps"].values():
+            if step["tool_id"]:
+                # Check if an installed version matches the workflow tool version
+                # (If it's not installed, the show_tool version returned will be a default version with the suffix "XXXX+0")
+                install_repository_revision(tool_id=step["tool_id"],
+                                                               version=step["tool_version"],
+                                                               changeset_revision=step["tool_shed_repository"]["changeset_revision"],
+                                                               instance=instance)
+"Tools versions and changeset_revisions from workflow validated")