diff --git a/examples/config_example.yml b/examples/config_example.yml
index 6691a35d3c9d963ff4324516aa67d5342d511b84..21d0ac68b173a7f93f3b3e4aa621147ef8fecb09 100644
--- a/examples/config_example.yml
+++ b/examples/config_example.yml
@@ -1,32 +1,29 @@
-# This is the configuration template file used by the gga_init.py gga_load_data.py and run_workflow.py scripts
-# It contains (sensible) variables to set up different docker services and should not be committed in production
+# This is the configuration template file used by the gga_init.py, gga_load_data.py and run_workflow.py scripts
-# "all" section contains variables used by several services at once or the paths to import sensible files that cannot be procedurally generated/formatted using the scripts
+# "all" section contains variables used by several services at once or the paths to import sensitive files
       hostname: localhost  # The hosting machine name
       dashboard_port: 8001  # The desired port (on the hosting machine) for the traefik container dashboard
       http_port: 8888  # The HTTP port docker will use on the hosting machine 
-      https_port: 8889  # The HTTPS port docker will use on the hosting machine. If present, docker will deploy stacks using an HTTPS configuration with authelia authentication
-      proxy_ip: XXXXXXXXXXXX  # IP of the upstream proxy (used by traefik)
-      auth_hostname: XXXXXXXXXXXX  # The authentication domain name, not required if running only using HTTP
-      authelia_config_path: /path/to/authelia_config.yml # Path to the custom authelia configuration file
-# galaxy-specific environment variables
+      https_port: 8889  # The HTTPS port docker will use on the hosting machine. Required for Authelia
+      proxy_ip: XXXXXXXXXXXX  # IP of the upstream proxy (used by Traefik)
+      auth_hostname: XXXXXXXXXXXX  #  Required for Authelia. The authentication domain name.
+      authelia_config_path: /path/to/authelia_config.yml #  Required for Authelia. Path to the Authelia configuration file
+# galaxy-specific variables
       galaxy_default_admin_email: gga@galaxy.org
       galaxy_defaut_admin_user: gga
       galaxy_default_admin_password: password
-      # galaxy_config_master_api_key: master
       webapollo_user: admin_apollo@galaxy.org
       webapollo_password: apollopass
-      persist_galaxy_data: "True"  # If True, docker data will be backed up
-      galaxy_config_remote_user_maildomain: sb-roscoff.fr  # The maildomain used by galaxy authentication
+      galaxy_config_remote_user_maildomain: mydomain.com  # The maildomain used by Galaxy authentication
+      persist_galaxy_data: "True"  # Optional. If True, docker data will be backed up. Do not set this variable to "false" for production
 # tripal-specific variables
       tripal_password: tripalpass  # Tripal database password (also used by galaxy as an environment variable)
-      banner_path: /home/fr2424/sib/alebars/projects/gga_load_data/misc/banner.png  # Custom banner path 
-      tripal_theme_name: abims   # Use this to use another theme
-      tripal_theme_git_clone: http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/tripal_abims.git  # Use this to install another theme (cannot be named custom_theme_git_clone currently)
+      banner_path: /my/path/banner.png  # Optional. Custom banner path 
+      tripal_theme_name: tripal_gga   # Optional. Use this to use another theme
+      tripal_theme_git_clone: http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/tripal_gga.git  # Optional. Use this to install another theme.
 # jbrowse-specific variables
-      menu_url: "http://localhost:8888/" # If present, this variable is used to define jbrowse menu_url, if absent, will use https://hostname:https_port instead
+      menu_url: "http://localhost:8888/" # Used with run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py. If present, this variable is used to define jbrowse menu_url, if absent, will use https://hostname:https_port instead
\ No newline at end of file