diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4601866ff7b46ceec99b08b0bf2aee0910a18ba2..c11b3c72699c61d2b9663ac39b11f6903e1144c6 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ $ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_load_data.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file.
 - Run a workflow in galaxy: 
-$ python3 /path/to/repo/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file.yml --workflow /path/to/workflow.ga [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
-		--workflow $WORKFLOW (Path to the workflow to run in galaxy. A couple of preset workflows are available in the "workflows_phaeoexplorer" folder)
+$ python3 /path/to/repo/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file --workflow workflow_type [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
+		--workflow (Valid options: "chado_load_fasta_gff_jbrowse", "blast", "interpro", preset workflows are available in the "workflows_phaeoexplorer" directory)
 		--main-directory $PATH (Path where to access stacks; default=current directory)
diff --git a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
index 71fc25f7231f2ec10847664147222300ee5abc2c..bff96313c37cd1f177594630f386f03fc02cce54 100755
--- a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
+++ b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
@@ -71,41 +71,41 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         logging.debug("Library ID: %s" % self.library_id)
         instance_source_data_folders = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=library_id)
-        # Access folders via their absolute path
-        genome_folder = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=library_id, name="/genome/" + str(self.species_folder_name) + "/v" + str(self.genome_version))
-        annotation_folder = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=library_id, name="/annotation/" + str(self.species_folder_name) + "/OGS" + str(self.ogs_version))
+        # # Access folders via their absolute path
+        # genome_folder = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=library_id, name="/genome/" + str(self.species_folder_name) + "/v" + str(self.genome_version))
+        # annotation_folder = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=library_id, name="/annotation/" + str(self.species_folder_name) + "/OGS" + str(self.ogs_version))
-        # Get their IDs
-        genome_folder_id = genome_folder[0]["id"]
-        annotation_folder_id = annotation_folder[0]["id"]
+        # # Get their IDs
+        # genome_folder_id = genome_folder[0]["id"]
+        # annotation_folder_id = annotation_folder[0]["id"]
-        # Get the content of the folders
-        genome_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=genome_folder_id, contents=True)
-        annotation_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=annotation_folder_id, contents=True)
+        # # Get the content of the folders
+        # genome_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=genome_folder_id, contents=True)
+        # annotation_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=annotation_folder_id, contents=True)
-        # Find genome folder datasets
-        genome_fasta_ldda_id = genome_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["ldda_id"]
+        # # Find genome folder datasets
+        # genome_fasta_ldda_id = genome_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["ldda_id"]
-        annotation_gff_ldda_id, annotation_proteins_ldda_id, annotation_transcripts_ldda_id = None, None, None
+        # annotation_gff_ldda_id, annotation_proteins_ldda_id, annotation_transcripts_ldda_id = None, None, None
-        # Several dicts in the annotation folder content (one dict = one file)
-        for k, v in annotation_folder_content.items():
-            if k == "folder_contents":
-                for d in v:
-                    if "proteins" in d["name"]:
-                        annotation_proteins_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
-                    if "transcripts" in d["name"]:
-                        annotation_transcripts_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
-                    if ".gff" in d["name"]:
-                        annotation_gff_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
+        # # Several dicts in the annotation folder content (one dict = one file)
+        # for k, v in annotation_folder_content.items():
+        #     if k == "folder_contents":
+        #         for d in v:
+        #             if "proteins" in d["name"]:
+        #                 annotation_proteins_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
+        #             if "transcripts" in d["name"]:
+        #                 annotation_transcripts_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
+        #             if ".gff" in d["name"]:
+        #                 annotation_gff_ldda_id = d["ldda_id"]
-        # Minimum datasets to populate tripal views --> will not work if these files are not assigned in the input file
-        self.datasets["genome_file"] = genome_fasta_ldda_id
-        self.datasets["gff_file"] = annotation_gff_ldda_id
-        self.datasets["proteins_file"] = annotation_proteins_ldda_id
-        self.datasets["transcripts_file"] = annotation_transcripts_ldda_id
+        # # Minimum datasets to populate tripal views --> will not work if these files are not assigned in the input file
+        # self.datasets["genome_file"] = genome_fasta_ldda_id
+        # self.datasets["gff_file"] = annotation_gff_ldda_id
+        # self.datasets["proteins_file"] = annotation_proteins_ldda_id
+        # self.datasets["transcripts_file"] = annotation_transcripts_ldda_id
-        return {"history_id": self.history_id, "library_id": library_id, "datasets": self.datasets}
+        return {"history_id": self.history_id, "library_id": library_id}
     def connect_to_instance(self):
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
-        logging.debug("Connecting to the galaxy instance (%s)" % self.instance_url)
+        # logging.debug("Connecting to the galaxy instance (%s)" % self.instance_url)
         self.instance = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=self.instance_url,
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         except bioblend.ConnectionError:
-            logging.critical("Cannot connect to galaxy instance (%s) " % self.instance_url)
+            logging.critical("Cannot connect to galaxy instance (%s)" % self.instance_url)
-            logging.debug("Successfully connected to galaxy instance (%s) " % self.instance_url)
+            # logging.debug("Successfully connected to galaxy instance (%s) " % self.instance_url)
             return 1
@@ -357,6 +357,107 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         return({"org_id": org_id, "genome_analysis_id": genome_analysis_id, "ogs_analysis_id": ogs_analysis_id})
+    def add_organism_blastp_analysis(self):
+        """
+        Add OGS and genome vX analyses to Chado database
+        Required for Chado Load Tripal Synchronize workflow (which should be ran as the first workflow)
+        Called outside workflow for practical reasons (Chado add doesn't have an input link for analysis or organism)
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.connect_to_instance()
+        self.set_get_history()
+        tool_version = "2.3.4+galaxy0"
+        get_organism_tool = self.instance.tools.show_tool("toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_get_organisms/organism_get_organisms/2.3.4+galaxy0")
+        get_organisms = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
+            tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_get_organisms/organism_get_organisms/%s" % tool_version,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={})
+        time.sleep(10)  # Ensure the tool has had time to complete
+        org_outputs = get_organisms["outputs"]  # Outputs from the get_organism tool
+        org_job_out_id = org_outputs[0]["id"]  # ID of the get_organism output dataset (list of dicts)
+        org_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=org_job_out_id)  # Download the dataset
+        org_output = json.loads(org_json_output)  # Turn the dataset into a list for parsing
+        org_id = None
+        # Look up list of outputs (dictionaries)
+        for organism_output_dict in org_output:
+            if organism_output_dict["genus"] == self.genus and organism_output_dict["species"] == "{0} {1}".format(self.species, self.sex):
+                correct_organism_id = str(organism_output_dict["organism_id"])  # id needs to be a str to be recognized by chado tools
+                org_id = str(correct_organism_id)
+        if org_id is None:
+            if self.common == "" or self.common is None:
+                add_org_job = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
+                    tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/%s" % tool_version,
+                    history_id=self.history_id,
+                    tool_inputs={"abbr": self.abbreviation,
+                                 "genus": self.genus_uppercase,
+                                 "species": self.chado_species_name,
+                                 "common": self.abbreviation})
+                org_job_out_id = add_org_job["outputs"][0]["id"]
+                org_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=org_job_out_id)
+                org_output = json.loads(org_json_output)
+                org_id = str(org_output["organism_id"])  # id needs to be a str to be recognized by chado tools
+            else:
+                add_org_job = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
+                    tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/%s" % tool_version,
+                    history_id=self.history_id,
+                    tool_inputs={"abbr": self.abbreviation,
+                                 "genus": self.genus_uppercase,
+                                 "species": self.chado_species_name,
+                                 "common": self.common})
+                org_job_out_id = add_org_job["outputs"][0]["id"]
+                org_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=org_job_out_id)
+                org_output = json.loads(org_json_output)
+                org_id = str(org_output["organism_id"])  # id needs to be a str to be recognized by chado tools
+        get_analyses = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
+            tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_analysis_get_analyses/analysis_get_analyses/%s" % tool_version,
+            history_id=self.history_id,
+            tool_inputs={})
+        time.sleep(10)
+        analysis_outputs = get_analyses["outputs"]
+        analysis_job_out_id = analysis_outputs[0]["id"]
+        analysis_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=analysis_job_out_id)
+        analysis_output = json.loads(analysis_json_output)
+        blastp_analysis_id = None
+        # Look up list of outputs (dictionaries)
+        for analysis_output_dict in analysis_output:
+            if analysis_output_dict["name"] == "Diamond on " + self.full_name_lowercase + " OGS" + self.ogs_version:
+                blastp_analysis_id = str(analysis_output_dict["analysis_id"])
+        if blastp_analysis_id is None:
+            add_blast_analysis_job = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
+                tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_analysis_add_analysis/analysis_add_analysis/%s" % tool_version,
+                history_id=self.history_id,
+                tool_inputs={"name": "Diamond on " + self.full_name_lowercase + " OGS" + self.ogs_version,
+                             "program": "Performed by Genoscope",
+                             "programversion": str(self.sex + " OGS" + self.ogs_version),
+                             "sourcename": "Genoscope",
+                             "date_executed": self.date})
+            analysis_outputs = add_blast_analysis_job["outputs"]
+            analysis_job_out_id = analysis_outputs[0]["id"]
+            analysis_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=analysis_job_out_id)
+            analysis_output = json.loads(analysis_json_output)
+            blastp_analysis_id = str(analysis_output["analysis_id"])
+        # print({"org_id": org_id, "genome_analysis_id": genome_analysis_id, "ogs_analysis_id": ogs_analysis_id})
+        return({"org_id": org_id, "blastp_analysis_id": blastp_analysis_id})
     def add_interproscan_analysis(self):
@@ -393,43 +494,6 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         return self.interpro_analysis_id
-    def add_blastp_diamond_analysis(self):
-        """
-        """
-        # Add Blastp (diamond) analysis to chado
-        logging.info("Adding Blastp Diamond analysis to the instance's chado database") 
-        self.instance.tools.run_tool(
-            tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_analysis_add_analysis/analysis_add_analysis/2.3.3",
-            history_id=self.history_id,
-            tool_inputs={"name": "Diamond on OGS%s" % self.ogs_version,
-                         "program": "Diamond",
-                         "programversion": "OGS%s" % self.ogs_version,
-                         "sourcename": "Genoscope",
-                         "date_executed": self.date})
-    def get_blastp_diamond_analysis_id(self):
-        """
-        """
-        # Get blasp ID
-        blast_diamond_analysis = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
-            tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_analysis_get_analyses/analysis_get_analyses/2.3.3",
-            history_id=self.history_id,
-            tool_inputs={"name": "Diamond on OGS%s" % self.ogs_version})
-        blast_diamond_analysis_job_out = blast_diamond_analysis["outputs"][0]["id"]
-        blast_diamond_analysis_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=blast_diamond_analysis_job_out)
-        try:
-            blast_diamond_analysis_output = json.loads(blast_diamond_analysis_json_output)[0]
-            self.blast_diamond_analysis_id = str(blast_diamond_analysis_output["analysis_id"])
-        except IndexError as exc:
-            logging.critical("No matching InterproScan analysis exists in the instance's chado database")
-            sys.exit(exc)
-        return self.blast_diamond_analysis_id
     def run_workflow(self, workflow_path, workflow_parameters, workflow_name, datamap):
         Run a workflow in galaxy
@@ -547,7 +611,6 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                     for e in v2:
                         if type(e) == dict:
                             if "transcripts" in e["name"]:
-                                # the attributes datasets is set in the function get_instance_attributes()
                                 self.datasets["transcripts_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
                                 self.datasets_name["transcripts_file"] = e["name"]
                             elif "proteins" in e["name"]:
@@ -560,12 +623,12 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                                 self.datasets["interproscan_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
                                 self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"] = e["name"]
                             elif "blastp" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["blast_diamond_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"] = e["name"]
+                                self.datasets["blastp_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
+                                self.datasets_name["blastp_file"] = e["name"]
         history_datasets_li = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets()
-        genome_hda_id, gff_hda_id, transcripts_hda_id, proteins_hda_id, blast_diamond_hda_id, interproscan_hda_id = None, None, None, None, None, None
+        genome_hda_id, gff_hda_id, transcripts_hda_id, proteins_hda_id, blastp_hda_id, interproscan_hda_id = None, None, None, None, None, None
         # Finding datasets in history (matching datasets names)
         for dataset in history_datasets_li:
@@ -573,14 +636,14 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
             dataset_id = dataset["id"]
             if dataset_name == "{0}_v{1}.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.genome_version):
                 genome_hda_id = dataset_id
-            if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}.gff".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version):
+            if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}_{2}.gff".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version, self.date):
                 gff_hda_id = dataset_id
             if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}_transcripts.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version):
                 transcripts_hda_id = dataset_id
             if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}_proteins.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version):
                 proteins_hda_id = dataset_id
-            if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}_blastx.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version):
-                blast_diamond_hda_id = dataset_id
+            if dataset_name == "{0}_OGS{1}_blastp.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version):
+                blastp_hda_id = dataset_id
         # Import each dataset into history if it is not imported
@@ -604,27 +667,27 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                 interproscan_hda_id = interproscan_dataset_upload["id"]
             except Exception as exc:
                 logging.debug("Interproscan file not found in library (history: {0})".format(self.history_id))
-        if blast_diamond_hda_id is None:
+        if blastp_hda_id is None:
-                blast_diamond_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["blast_diamond_file"])
-                blast_diamond_hda_id = blast_diamond_upload["id"]
+                blastp_dataset_upload = self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["blastp_file"])
+                blastp_hda_id = blastp_dataset_upload["id"]
             except Exception as exc:
-                logging.debug("Blastp file not found in library (history: {0})".format(self.history_id))
+                logging.debug("blastp file not found in library (history: {0})".format(self.history_id))
-        logging.debug("History dataset IDs (hda_id) for %s:" % self.full_name)
-        logging.debug({"genome_hda_id": genome_hda_id, 
-                "gff_hda_id": gff_hda_id, 
-                "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_hda_id, 
-                "proteins_hda_id": proteins_hda_id, 
-                "blast_diamond_hda_id": blast_diamond_hda_id, 
-                "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_hda_id})
+        # logging.debug("History dataset IDs (hda_id) for %s:" % self.full_name)
+        # logging.debug({"genome_hda_id": genome_hda_id,
+        #         "gff_hda_id": gff_hda_id,
+        #         "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_hda_id,
+        #         "proteins_hda_id": proteins_hda_id,
+        #         "blastp_hda_id": blastp_hda_id,
+        #         "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_hda_id})
         # Return a dict made of the hda ids
         return {"genome_hda_id": genome_hda_id, 
                 "gff_hda_id": gff_hda_id, 
                 "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_hda_id, 
                 "proteins_hda_id": proteins_hda_id, 
-                "blast_diamond_hda_id": blast_diamond_hda_id, 
+                "blastp_hda_id": blastp_hda_id,
                 "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_hda_id}
@@ -662,17 +725,16 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                 if "interproscan_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
                     if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"] and dataset_dict["id"] not in imported_datasets_ids:
                         interproscan_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
                 if "blast_diamond_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
-                    if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"] and dataset_dict["id"] not in imported_datasets_ids:
-                        blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                    if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["blastp_file"] and dataset_dict["id"] not in imported_datasets_ids:
+                        blastp_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
         logging.debug("Genome dataset hda id: %s" % genome_dataset_hda_id)
         logging.debug("Proteins dataset hda ID: %s" % proteins_datasets_hda_id)
         logging.debug("Transcripts dataset hda ID: %s" % transcripts_dataset_hda_id)
         logging.debug("GFF dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
         logging.debug("InterproScan dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
-        logging.debug("Blast Diamond dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
+        logging.debug("Blastp Diamond dataset hda ID: %s" % blastp_dataset_hda_id)
         # Add datasets IDs to already imported IDs (so we don't assign all the wrong IDs to the next organism if there is one)
@@ -680,13 +742,13 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
-        imported_datasets_ids.append(blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id)
+        imported_datasets_ids.append(blastp_dataset_hda_id)
         # Return a dict made of the hda ids
         return {"genome_hda_id": genome_dataset_hda_id, "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_dataset_hda_id,
                 "proteins_hda_id": proteins_datasets_hda_id, "gff_hda_id": gff_dataset_hda_id,
                 "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_dataset_hda_id,
-                "blast_diamond_hda_id": blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id,
+                "blastp_hda_id": blastp_dataset_hda_id,
                 "imported_datasets_ids": imported_datasets_ids}
@@ -715,7 +777,7 @@ def run_workflow(workflow_path, workflow_parameters, datamap, config, input_spec
         if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
             jbrowse_menu_url = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=self.config["hostname"], genus_sp=self.genus_species, Genus=self.genus_uppercase, species=self.species, id="{id}")
-            jbrowse_menu_url = config["menu_url"]
+            jbrowse_menu_url = config["jbrowse_menu_url"]
         if workflow_name == "Jbrowse":
             workflow_dict["steps"]["2"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["2"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL__", jbrowse_menu_url)
             # The UNIQUE_ID is specific to a combination genus_species_strain_sex so every combination should have its unique workflow
@@ -748,7 +810,7 @@ def run_workflow(workflow_path, workflow_parameters, datamap, config, input_spec
-def create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir, config):
+def create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir, config, workflow_type):
@@ -778,26 +840,72 @@ def create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir, config):
+        if workflow_type == "load_fasta_gff_jbrowse":
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
+            history_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
+            run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_for_individual_tools()
+            ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_ogs_genome_analyses()
+            org_id = None
+            genome_analysis_id = None
+            ogs_analysis_id = None
+            org_id = ids["org_id"]
+            genome_analysis_id = ids["genome_analysis_id"]
+            ogs_analysis_id = ids["ogs_analysis_id"]
+            instance_attributes = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
+            hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
+            strain_sex = "{0}_{1}".format(run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain, run_workflow_for_current_organism.sex)
+            genus_species = run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species
+            # Create the dictionary holding all attributes needed to connect to the galaxy instance
+            attributes = {"genus": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus,
+                          "species": run_workflow_for_current_organism.species,
+                          "genus_species": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species,
+                          "full_name": run_workflow_for_current_organism.full_name,
+                          "species_folder_name": run_workflow_for_current_organism.species_folder_name,
+                          "sex": run_workflow_for_current_organism.sex,
+                          "strain": run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain,
+                          "org_id": org_id,
+                          "genome_analysis_id": genome_analysis_id,
+                          "ogs_analysis_id": ogs_analysis_id,
+                          "instance_attributes": instance_attributes,
+                          "hda_ids": hda_ids,
+                          "history_id": history_id,
+                          "instance": run_workflow_for_current_organism.instance,
+                          "instance_url": run_workflow_for_current_organism.instance_url,
+                          "email": config["galaxy_default_admin_email"],
+                          "password": config["galaxy_default_admin_password"]}
+            sp_workflow_dict[genus_species] = {strain_sex: attributes}
+        else:
+            logging.critical("The galaxy container for %s is not ready yet!" % run_workflow_for_current_organism.full_name)
+            sys.exit()
+        return sp_workflow_dict
+    if workflow_type == "blast":
         history_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-        ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_ogs_genome_analyses()
+        ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_blastp_analysis()
         org_id = None
-        genome_analysis_id = None
-        ogs_analysis_id = None
         org_id = ids["org_id"]
-        genome_analysis_id = ids["genome_analysis_id"]
-        ogs_analysis_id = ids["ogs_analysis_id"]
+        blastp_analysis_id = None
+        blastp_analysis_id = ids["blastp_analysis_id"]
         instance_attributes = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
         hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
         strain_sex = "{0}_{1}".format(run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain, run_workflow_for_current_organism.sex)
         genus_species = run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species
-        # Create the dictionary holding all attributes needed to connect to the galaxy instance 
+        # Create the dictionary holding all attributes needed to connect to the galaxy instance
         attributes = {"genus": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus,
                       "species": run_workflow_for_current_organism.species,
                       "genus_species": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genus_species,
@@ -806,8 +914,7 @@ def create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir, config):
                       "sex": run_workflow_for_current_organism.sex,
                       "strain": run_workflow_for_current_organism.strain,
                       "org_id": org_id,
-                      "genome_analysis_id": genome_analysis_id,
-                      "ogs_analysis_id": ogs_analysis_id,
+                      "blastp_analysis_id": blastp_analysis_id,
                       "instance_attributes": instance_attributes,
                       "hda_ids": hda_ids,
                       "history_id": history_id,
@@ -823,8 +930,6 @@ def create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir, config):
-    return sp_workflow_dict
 def install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(instance, workflow_path):
@@ -897,7 +1002,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser.add_argument("--workflow", "-w",
-                        help="Worfklow to run")
+                        help="Worfklow to run. Available options: load_fasta_gff_jbrowse, blast, interpro")
     args = parser.parse_args()
@@ -921,44 +1026,455 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     sp_dict_list = utilities.parse_input(args.input)
-    # #  Checking if user specified a workflow to run
-    # if not args.workflow:
-    #     logging.critical("No workflow specified, exiting")
-    #     sys.exit()
-    # else:
-    #     workflow = os.path.abspath(args.workflow)
+    workflow_valid_types = ["load_fasta_gff_jbrowse", "blast", "interpro"]
+    workflow_type = None
+    #  Checking if user specified a workflow to run
+    if not args.workflow:
+        logging.critical("No workflow type specified, exiting")
+        sys.exit()
+    elif args.workflow in workflow_valid_types:
+        workflow_type = args.workflow
+    logging.info("Workflow type set to %s" % workflow_type)
     script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
     config = utilities.parse_config(args.config)
     all_sp_workflow_dict = {}
-    for sp_dict in sp_dict_list:
-        # Add and retrieve all analyses/organisms for the current input species and add their IDs to the input dictionary
-        current_sp_workflow_dict = create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir=args.main_directory, config=config)
+    if workflow_type == "load_fasta_gff_jbrowse":
+        for sp_dict in sp_dict_list:
-        current_sp_key = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.keys())[0]
-        current_sp_value = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.values())[0]
-        current_sp_strain_sex_key = list(current_sp_value.keys())[0]
-        current_sp_strain_sex_value = list(current_sp_value.values())[0]
+            # Add and retrieve all analyses/organisms for the current input species and add their IDs to the input dictionary
+            current_sp_workflow_dict = create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir=args.main_directory, config=config, workflow_type="load_fasta_gff_jbrowse")
-        # Add the species dictionary to the complete dictionary
-        # This dictionary contains every organism present in the input file
-        # Its structure is the following:
-        # {genus species: {strain1_sex1: {variables_key: variables_values}, strain1_sex2: {variables_key: variables_values}}}
-        if not current_sp_key in all_sp_workflow_dict.keys():
-            all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key] = current_sp_value
-        else:
-            all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key][current_sp_strain_sex_key] = current_sp_strain_sex_value
+            current_sp_key = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.keys())[0]
+            current_sp_value = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.values())[0]
+            current_sp_strain_sex_key = list(current_sp_value.keys())[0]
+            current_sp_strain_sex_value = list(current_sp_value.values())[0]
+            # Add the species dictionary to the complete dictionary
+            # This dictionary contains every organism present in the input file
+            # Its structure is the following:
+            # {genus species: {strain1_sex1: {variables_key: variables_values}, strain1_sex2: {variables_key: variables_values}}}
+            if not current_sp_key in all_sp_workflow_dict.keys():
+                all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key] = current_sp_value
+            else:
+                all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key][current_sp_strain_sex_key] = current_sp_strain_sex_value
+        for k, v in all_sp_workflow_dict.items():
+            if len(list(v.keys())) == 1:
+                logging.info("Input organism %s: 1 species detected in input dictionary" % k)
+                # Set workflow path (1 organism)
+                workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v4.ga")
+                # Instance object required variables
+                instance_url, email, password = None, None, None
+                # Set the galaxy instance variables
+                for k2, v2 in v.items():
+                    instance_url = v2["instance_url"]
+                    email = v2["email"]
+                    password = v2["password"]
+                instance = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=instance_url, email=email, password=password)
+                # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
+                install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=instance)
+                organism_key_name = list(v.keys())
+                org_dict = v[organisms_key_names[0]]
+                history_id = org_dict["history_id"]
+                # Organism 1 attributes
+                org_genus = org_dict["genus"]
+                org_species = org_dict["species"]
+                org_genus_species = org_dict["genus_species"]
+                org_species_folder_name = org_dict["species_folder_name"]
+                org_full_name = org_dict["full_name"]
+                org_strain = org_dict["sex"]
+                org_sex = org_dict["strain"]
+                org_org_id = org_dict["org_id"]
+                org_genome_analysis_id = org_dict["genome_analysis_id"]
+                org_ogs_analysis_id = org_dict["ogs_analysis_id"]
+                org_genome_hda_id = org_dict["hda_ids"]["genome_hda_id"]
+                org_transcripts_hda_id = org_dict["hda_ids"]["transcripts_hda_id"]
+                org_proteins_hda_id = org_dict["hda_ids"]["proteins_hda_id"]
+                org_gff_hda_id = org_dict["hda_ids"]["gff_hda_id"]
+                # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
+                org_parameters_dict = {
+                    "org_genus": org_genus,
+                    "org_species": org_species,
+                    "org_genus_species": org_genus_species,
+                    "org_species_folder_name": org_species_folder_name,
+                    "org_full_name": org_full_name,
+                    "org_strain": org_strain,
+                    "org_sex": org_sex,
+                    "org_org_id": org_org_id,
+                    "org_genome_analysis_id": org_genome_analysis_id,
+                    "org_ogs_analysis_id": org_ogs_analysis_id,
+                    "org_genome_hda_id": org_genome_hda_id,
+                    "org_transcripts_hda_id": org_transcripts_hda_id,
+                    "org_proteins_hda_id": org_proteins_hda_id,
+                    "org_gff_hda_id": org_gff_hda_id,
+                }
+                # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
+                for param_name, param_value in org_parameters_dict.items():
+                    if param_value is None or param_value == "":
+                        logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org_full_name, param_name, param_value))
+                        sys.exit()
+                # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
+                workflow_parameters = {}
+                GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG = "0"
+                GFF_FILE_ORG = "1"
+                PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG = "2"
+                LOAD_FASTA_ORG = "3"
+                JBROWSE_ORG = "4"
+                LOAD_GFF_ORG = "5"
+                JBROWSE_CONTAINER = "6"
+                SYNC_FEATURES_ORG = "7"
+                POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "8"
+                INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "9"
+                # Input files have no parameters (they are set via assigning the hda IDs in the datamap parameter of the bioblend method)
+                workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG] = {"organism": org_org_id,
+                                                        "analysis_id": org_genome_analysis_id,
+                                                        "do_update": "true"}
+                workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG] = {"organism": org_org_id, "analysis_id": org_ogs_analysis_id}
+                workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG] = {"organism_id":  org_org_id}
+                # POPULATE + INDEX DATA
+                workflow_parameters[POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA] = {}
+                # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
+                datamap = {}
+                datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_genome_hda_id}
+                datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_gff_hda_id}
+                datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_proteins_hda_id}
+                with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+                    # Store the decoded json dictionary
+                    workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+                    workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
+                    # For the Jbrowse tool, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
+                    # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
+                    # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
+                    jbrowse_menu_url_org = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org_genus_species, Genus=org_genus[0].upper() + org_genus[1:], species=org_species, id="{id}")
+                    if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org_genus_species, Genus=org_genus[0].upper() + org_genus[1:], species=org_species, id="{id}")
+                    else:
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org_genus_species, Genus=org_genus[0].upper() + org_genus[1:], species=org_species, id="{id}")
+                    # show_tool_add_organism = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/2.3.4+galaxy0", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_tool_add_organism)
+                    # show_jbrowse_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/jbrowse/jbrowse/1.16.11+galaxy0", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_jbrowse_tool)
+                    # show_jbrowse_container_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/jbrowse_to_container/jbrowse_to_container/0.5.1", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_jbrowse_container_tool)
+                    # Replace values in the workflow dictionary
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["4"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["4"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL_ORG__", jbrowse_menu_url_org)
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["6"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["6"]["tool_state"].replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG__", org_full_name).replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG__", org_species_folder_name)
+                    # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
+                    instance.workflows.import_workflow_dict(workflow_dict=workflow_dict)
+                    # Get its attributes
+                    workflow_attributes = instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+                    # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
+                    workflow_id = workflow_attributes[0]["id"]  # Index 0 is the most recently imported workflow (the one we want)
+                    show_workflow = instance.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+                    # Check if the workflow is found
+                    try:
+                        logging.debug("Workflow ID: %s" % workflow_id)
+                    except bioblend.ConnectionError:
+                        logging.warning("Error finding workflow %s" % workflow_name)
+                    # Finally, invoke the workflow alogn with its datamap, parameters and the history in which to invoke it
+                    instance.workflows.invoke_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id, history_id=history_id, params=workflow_parameters, inputs=datamap, allow_tool_state_corrections=True)
+                    logging.info("Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance ({1}) for the jobs state".format(workflow_name, instance_url))
+            if len(list(v.keys())) == 2:
+                logging.info("Input organism %s: 2 species detected in input dictionary" % k)
+                # Set workflow path (2 organisms)
+                workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_2org_v4.ga")
+                # Instance object required variables
+                instance_url, email, password = None, None, None
+                # Set the galaxy instance variables
+                for k2, v2 in v.items():
+                    instance_url = v2["instance_url"]
+                    email = v2["email"]
+                    password = v2["password"]
+                instance = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=instance_url, email=email, password=password)
+                # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
+                install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=instance)
+                # Get key names from the current organism (item 1 = organism 1, item 2 = organism 2)
+                organisms_key_names = list(v.keys())
+                org1_dict = v[organisms_key_names[0]]
+                org2_dict = v[organisms_key_names[1]]
+                history_id = org1_dict["history_id"]
+                # Organism 1 attributes
+                org1_genus = org1_dict["genus"]
+                org1_species = org1_dict["species"]
+                org1_genus_species = org1_dict["genus_species"]
+                org1_species_folder_name = org1_dict["species_folder_name"]
+                org1_full_name = org1_dict["full_name"]
+                org1_strain = org1_dict["sex"]
+                org1_sex = org1_dict["strain"]
+                org1_org_id = org1_dict["org_id"]
+                org1_genome_analysis_id = org1_dict["genome_analysis_id"]
+                org1_ogs_analysis_id = org1_dict["ogs_analysis_id"]
+                org1_genome_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["genome_hda_id"]
+                org1_transcripts_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["transcripts_hda_id"]
+                org1_proteins_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["proteins_hda_id"]
+                org1_gff_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["gff_hda_id"]
+                # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
+                org1_parameters_dict = {
+                    "org1_genus": org1_genus,
+                    "org1_species": org1_species,
+                    "org1_genus_species": org1_genus_species,
+                    "org1_species_folder_name": org1_species_folder_name,
+                    "org1_full_name": org1_full_name,
+                    "org1_strain": org1_strain,
+                    "org1_sex": org1_sex,
+                    "org1_org_id": org1_org_id,
+                    "org1_genome_analysis_id": org1_genome_analysis_id,
+                    "org1_ogs_analysis_id": org1_ogs_analysis_id,
+                    "org1_genome_hda_id": org1_genome_hda_id,
+                    "org1_transcripts_hda_id": org1_transcripts_hda_id,
+                    "org1_proteins_hda_id": org1_proteins_hda_id,
+                    "org1_gff_hda_id": org1_gff_hda_id,
+                }
+                # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
+                for param_name, param_value in org1_parameters_dict.items():
+                    if param_value is None or param_value == "":
+                        logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org1_full_name, param_name, param_value))
+                        sys.exit()
+                # Organism 2 attributes
+                org2_genus = org2_dict["genus"]
+                org2_species = org2_dict["species"]
+                org2_genus_species = org2_dict["genus_species"]
+                org2_species_folder_name = org2_dict["species_folder_name"]
+                org2_full_name = org2_dict["full_name"]
+                org2_strain = org2_dict["sex"]
+                org2_sex = org2_dict["strain"]
+                org2_org_id = org2_dict["org_id"]
+                org2_genome_analysis_id = org2_dict["genome_analysis_id"]
+                org2_ogs_analysis_id = org2_dict["ogs_analysis_id"]
+                org2_genome_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["genome_hda_id"]
+                org2_transcripts_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["transcripts_hda_id"]
+                org2_proteins_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["proteins_hda_id"]
+                org2_gff_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["gff_hda_id"]
+                # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
+                org2_parameters_dict = {
+                    "org2_genus": org2_genus,
+                    "org2_species": org2_species,
+                    "org2_genus_species": org2_genus_species,
+                    "org2_species_folder_name": org2_species_folder_name,
+                    "org2_full_name": org2_full_name,
+                    "org2_strain": org2_strain,
+                    "org2_sex": org2_sex,
+                    "org2_org_id": org2_org_id,
+                    "org2_genome_analysis_id": org2_genome_analysis_id,
+                    "org2_ogs_analysis_id": org2_ogs_analysis_id,
+                    "org2_genome_hda_id": org2_genome_hda_id,
+                    "org2_transcripts_hda_id": org2_transcripts_hda_id,
+                    "org2_proteins_hda_id": org2_proteins_hda_id,
+                    "org2_gff_hda_id": org2_gff_hda_id,
+                }
+                # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
+                for param_name, param_value in org2_parameters_dict.items():
+                    if param_value is None or param_value == "":
+                        logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org2_full_name, param_name, param_value))
+                        sys.exit()
+                # Source files association (ordered by their IDs in the workflow)
+                # WARNING: Be very careful about how the workflow is "organized" (i.e the order of the steps/datasets, check the .ga if there is any error)
+                GFF_FILE_ORG1 = "0"
+                GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "1"
+                PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "2"
+                GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "3"
+                GFF_FILE_ORG2 = "4"
+                PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "5"
+                LOAD_FASTA_ORG1 = "6"
+                JBROWSE_ORG1 = "7"
+                JRBOWSE_ORG2 = "8"
+                LOAD_GFF_ORG1 = "9"
+                JBROWSE_CONTAINER = "10"
+                SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1 = "11"
+                LOAD_FASTA_ORG2 = "12"
+                LOAD_GFF_ORG2 = "13"
+                SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2 = "14"
+                POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "15"
+                INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "16"
+                # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
+                workflow_parameters = {}
+                # Input files have no parameters (they are set via assigning the hda IDs in the datamap parameter of the bioblend method)
+                workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
+                # Organism 1
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id,
+                                                        "analysis_id": org1_genome_analysis_id,
+                                                        "do_update": "true"}
+                # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org1}
+                workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id, "analysis_id": org1_ogs_analysis_id}
+                workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1] = {"organism_id":  org1_org_id}
+                # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {"organisms": [{"name": org1_full_name, "unique_id": org1_species_folder_name, }, {"name": org2_full_name, "unique_id": org2_species_folder_name}]}
+                workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {}
+                # Organism 2
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG2] = {"organism": org2_org_id,
+                                                        "analysis_id": org2_genome_analysis_id,
+                                                        "do_update": "true"}
+                workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG2] = {"organism": org2_org_id, "analysis_id": org2_ogs_analysis_id}
+                # workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org2}
+                workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2] = {"organism_id":  org2_org_id}
+                # POPULATE + INDEX DATA
+                workflow_parameters[POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS] = {}
+                workflow_parameters[INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA] = {}
+                # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
+                datamap = {}
+                # Organism 1
+                datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_genome_hda_id}
+                datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_gff_hda_id}
+                datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_proteins_hda_id}
+                # Organism 2
+                datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_genome_hda_id}
+                datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_gff_hda_id}
+                datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_proteins_hda_id}
+                with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+                    # Store the decoded json dictionary
+                    workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+                    workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
+                    # For the Jbrowse tool, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
+                    # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
+                    # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
+                    jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
+                    jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
+                    if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
+                    else:
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
+                        jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
+                    # show_tool_add_organism = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/2.3.4+galaxy0", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_tool_add_organism)
+                    # show_jbrowse_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/jbrowse/jbrowse/1.16.11+galaxy0", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_jbrowse_tool)
+                    # show_jbrowse_container_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/jbrowse_to_container/jbrowse_to_container/0.5.1", io_details=True)
+                    # print(show_jbrowse_container_tool)
+                    # Replace values in the workflow dictionary
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["7"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["7"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL_ORG1__", jbrowse_menu_url_org1)
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["8"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["8"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL_ORG2__", jbrowse_menu_url_org2)
+                    # The UNIQUE_ID is specific to a combination genus_species_strain_sex so every combination should have its unique workflow
+                    # in galaxy --> define a naming method for these workflows
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"].replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG1__", org1_full_name).replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG1__", org1_species_folder_name)
+                    workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"].replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG2__", org2_full_name).replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG2__", org2_species_folder_name)
+                    # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
+                    instance.workflows.import_workflow_dict(workflow_dict=workflow_dict)
+                    # Get its attributes
+                    workflow_attributes = instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+                    # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
+                    workflow_id = workflow_attributes[0]["id"]  # Index 0 is the most recently imported workflow (the one we want)
+                    show_workflow = instance.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+                    # Check if the workflow is found
+                    try:
+                        logging.debug("Workflow ID: %s" % workflow_id)
+                    except bioblend.ConnectionError:
+                        logging.warning("Error finding workflow %s" % workflow_name)
+                    # Finally, invoke the workflow alogn with its datamap, parameters and the history in which to invoke it
+                    instance.workflows.invoke_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id, history_id=history_id, params=workflow_parameters, inputs=datamap, allow_tool_state_corrections=True)
+                    logging.info("Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance ({1}) for the jobs state".format(workflow_name, instance_url))
+    if workflow_type == "blast":
+        for sp_dict in sp_dict_list:
+            # Add and retrieve all analyses/organisms for the current input species and add their IDs to the input dictionary
+            current_sp_workflow_dict = create_sp_workflow_dict(sp_dict, main_dir=args.main_directory, config=config, workfow_type="blast")
+            current_sp_key = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.keys())[0]
+            current_sp_value = list(current_sp_workflow_dict.values())[0]
+            current_sp_strain_sex_key = list(current_sp_value.keys())[0]
+            current_sp_strain_sex_value = list(current_sp_value.values())[0]
+            # Add the species dictionary to the complete dictionary
+            # This dictionary contains every organism present in the input file
+            # Its structure is the following:
+            # {genus species: {strain1_sex1: {variables_key: variables_values}, strain1_sex2: {variables_key: variables_values}}}
+            if not current_sp_key in all_sp_workflow_dict.keys():
+                all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key] = current_sp_value
+            else:
+                all_sp_workflow_dict[current_sp_key][current_sp_strain_sex_key] = current_sp_strain_sex_value
-    for k, v in all_sp_workflow_dict.items():
         if len(list(v.keys())) == 1:
             logging.info("Input organism %s: 1 species detected in input dictionary" % k)
             # Set workflow path (1 organism)
-            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v2.ga")
+            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-load_blast_results_1org_v1.ga")
+            # Instance object required variables
+            instance_url, email, password = None, None, None
             # Set the galaxy instance variables
             for k2, v2 in v.items():
@@ -971,19 +1487,91 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
             install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=instance)
-            # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
-            datamap = {}
+            organism_key_name = list(v.keys())
+            org_dict = v[organisms_key_names[0]]
+            history_id = org_dict["history_id"]
+            # Organism attributes
+            org_genus = org_dict["genus"]
+            org_species = org_dict["species"]
+            org_genus_species = org_dict["genus_species"]
+            org_species_folder_name = org_dict["species_folder_name"]
+            org_full_name = org_dict["full_name"]
+            org_strain = org_dict["sex"]
+            org_sex = org_dict["strain"]
+            org_org_id = org_dict["org_id"]
+            org_blastp_analysis_id = org_dict["blastp_analysis_id"]
+            org_blastp_hda_id = org_dict["hda_ids"]["blastp_hda_id"]
+            # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
+            org_parameters_dict = {
+                "org_genus": org_genus,
+                "org_species": org_species,
+                "org_genus_species": org_genus_species,
+                "org_species_folder_name": org_species_folder_name,
+                "org_full_name": org_full_name,
+                "org_strain": org_strain,
+                "org_sex": org_sex,
+                "org_org_id": org_org_id,
+                "org_blast_analysis_id": org_blastp_analysis_id,
+                "org_blastp_hda_id": org_blastp_hda_id,
+            }
+            # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
+            for param_name, param_value in org_parameters_dict.items():
+                if param_value is None or param_value == "":
+                    logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org_full_name, param_name, param_value))
+                    sys.exit()
+            BLASTP_FILE = "0"
+            LOAD_BLASTP_FILE = "1"
+            SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS = "2"
+            POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "3"
+            INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "4"
             # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
             workflow_parameters = {}
+            workflow_parameters[BLASTP_FILE] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[LOAD_BLASTP_FILE] = {"analysis_id": org_blastp_analysis_id, "organism_id": org_org_id}
+            workflow_parameters[SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS] = {"analysis_id":  org_blastp_analysis_id}
+            workflow_parameters[POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA] = {}
+            datamap = {}
+            datamap[BLASTP_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": org_blastp_hda_id}
+            with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
+                # Store the decoded json dictionary
+                workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
+                workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
+                # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
+                instance.workflows.import_workflow_dict(workflow_dict=workflow_dict)
+                # Get its attributes
+                workflow_attributes = instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
+                # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
+                workflow_id = workflow_attributes[0]["id"]  # Index 0 is the most recently imported workflow (the one we want)
+                show_workflow = instance.workflows.show_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id)
+                # Check if the workflow is found
+                try:
+                    logging.debug("Workflow ID: %s" % workflow_id)
+                except bioblend.ConnectionError:
+                    logging.warning("Error finding workflow %s" % workflow_name)
+                # Finally, invoke the workflow alogn with its datamap, parameters and the history in which to invoke it
+                instance.workflows.invoke_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id, history_id=history_id, params=workflow_parameters, inputs=datamap, allow_tool_state_corrections=True)
+                logging.info("Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance ({1}) for the jobs state".format(workflow_name, instance_url))
         if len(list(v.keys())) == 2:
             logging.info("Input organism %s: 2 species detected in input dictionary" % k)
             # Set workflow path (2 organisms)
-            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_2org_v4.ga")
+            workflow_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(script_dir), "workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-load_blast_results_2org_v1.ga")
             # Instance object required variables
             instance_url, email, password = None, None, None
@@ -999,7 +1587,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             # Check if the versions of tools specified in the workflow are installed in galaxy
             install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow_path, instance=instance)
-            # Get key names from the current organism (item 1 = organism 1, item 2 = organism 2)
             organisms_key_names = list(v.keys())
             org1_dict = v[organisms_key_names[0]]
             org2_dict = v[organisms_key_names[1]]
@@ -1015,12 +1602,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             org1_strain = org1_dict["sex"]
             org1_sex = org1_dict["strain"]
             org1_org_id = org1_dict["org_id"]
-            org1_genome_analysis_id = org1_dict["genome_analysis_id"]
-            org1_ogs_analysis_id = org1_dict["ogs_analysis_id"]
-            org1_genome_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["genome_hda_id"]
-            org1_transcripts_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["transcripts_hda_id"]
-            org1_proteins_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["proteins_hda_id"]
-            org1_gff_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["gff_hda_id"]
+            org1_blastp_analysis_id = org1_dict["blastp_analysis_id"]
+            org1_blastp_hda_id = org1_dict["hda_ids"]["blastp_hda_id"]
             # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
             org1_parameters_dict = {
@@ -1032,20 +1615,17 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 "org1_strain": org1_strain,
                 "org1_sex": org1_sex,
                 "org1_org_id": org1_org_id,
-                "org1_genome_analysis_id": org1_genome_analysis_id,
-                "org1_ogs_analysis_id": org1_ogs_analysis_id,
-                "org1_genome_hda_id": org1_genome_hda_id,
-                "org1_transcripts_hda_id": org1_transcripts_hda_id,
-                "org1_proteins_hda_id": org1_proteins_hda_id,
-                "org1_gff_hda_id": org1_gff_hda_id,
+                "org1_blast_analysis_id": org1_blastp_analysis_id,
+                "org1_blastp_hda_id": org1_blastp_hda_id,
             # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
             for param_name, param_value in org1_parameters_dict.items():
                 if param_value is None or param_value == "":
                     logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org1_full_name, param_name, param_value))
             # Organism 2 attributes
             org2_genus = org2_dict["genus"]
             org2_species = org2_dict["species"]
@@ -1055,160 +1635,77 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             org2_strain = org2_dict["sex"]
             org2_sex = org2_dict["strain"]
             org2_org_id = org2_dict["org_id"]
-            org2_genome_analysis_id = org2_dict["genome_analysis_id"]
-            org2_ogs_analysis_id = org2_dict["ogs_analysis_id"]
-            org2_genome_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["genome_hda_id"]
-            org2_transcripts_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["transcripts_hda_id"]
-            org2_proteins_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["proteins_hda_id"]
-            org2_gff_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["gff_hda_id"]
+            org2_blastp_analysis_id = org2_dict["blastp_analysis_id"]
+            org2_blastp_hda_id = org2_dict["hda_ids"]["blastp_hda_id"]
             # Store these values into a dict for parameters logging/validation
             org2_parameters_dict = {
                 "org2_genus": org2_genus,
                 "org2_species": org2_species,
                 "org2_genus_species": org2_genus_species,
-                "org2_species_folder_name": org2_species_folder_name,
+                "org2_species_folder_name": orgé_species_folder_name,
                 "org2_full_name": org2_full_name,
                 "org2_strain": org2_strain,
                 "org2_sex": org2_sex,
                 "org2_org_id": org2_org_id,
-                "org2_genome_analysis_id": org2_genome_analysis_id,
-                "org2_ogs_analysis_id": org2_ogs_analysis_id,
-                "org2_genome_hda_id": org2_genome_hda_id,
-                "org2_transcripts_hda_id": org2_transcripts_hda_id,
-                "org2_proteins_hda_id": org2_proteins_hda_id,
-                "org2_gff_hda_id": org2_gff_hda_id,
+                "org2_blast_analysis_id": org2_blastp_analysis_id,
+                "org2_blastp_hda_id": org2_blastp_hda_id,
             # Look for empty parameters values, throw a critical error if a parameter value is invalid
             for param_name, param_value in org2_parameters_dict.items():
                 if param_value is None or param_value == "":
                     logging.critical("Empty parameter value found for organism {0} (parameter: {1}, parameter value: {2})".format(org2_full_name, param_name, param_value))
-            jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="\{id\}")
-            jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
-            if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="\{id\}")
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
-            else:
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"]
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
             # Source files association (ordered by their IDs in the workflow)
             # WARNING: Be very careful about how the workflow is "organized" (i.e the order of the steps/datasets, check the .ga if there is any error)
-            GFF_FILE_ORG1 = "0"
-            GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "1" 
-            PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "2"
-            GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "3"
-            GFF_FILE_ORG2 = "4"
-            PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "5"
-            LOAD_FASTA_ORG1 = "6"
-            JBROWSE_ORG1 = "7"
-            JRBOWSE_ORG2 = "8"
-            LOAD_GFF_ORG1 = "9"
-            JBROWSE_CONTAINER = "10"
-            SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1 = "11"
-            LOAD_FASTA_ORG2 = "12"
-            LOAD_GFF_ORG2 = "13"
-            SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2 = "14"
-            POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "15"
-            INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "16"
+            BLASTP_FILE_ORG1 = "0"
+            BLASTP_FILE_ORG2 = "1"
+            LOAD_BLASTP_FILE_ORG1 = "2"
+            LOAD_BLASTP_FILE_ORG1 = "3"
+            SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS_ORG1 = "4"
+            SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS_ORG2 = "5"
+            POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "6"
+            INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "7"
             # Set the workflow parameters (individual tools runtime parameters in the workflow)
             workflow_parameters = {}
             # Input files have no parameters (they are set via assigning the hda IDs in the datamap parameter of the bioblend method)
-            workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[BLASTP_FILE_ORG1] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[BLASTP_FILE_ORG2] = {}
             # Organism 1
-            workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id,
-                                                    "analysis_id": org1_genome_analysis_id,
-                                                    "do_update": "true"}
-            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org1}
-            workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {}  
-            workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id, "analysis_id": org1_ogs_analysis_id}
-            workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1] = {"organism_id":  org1_org_id}
-            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {"organisms": [{"name": org1_full_name, "unique_id": org1_species_folder_name, }, {"name": org2_full_name, "unique_id": org2_species_folder_name}]}
-            workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {}
+            workflow_parameters[LOAD_BLASTP_FILE_ORG1] = {"organism_id": org1_org_id,
+                                                          "analysis_id": org1_blastp_analysis_id}
+            workflow_parameters[SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS_ORG1] = {"analysis_id":  org1_blastp_analysis_id}
             # Organism 2
-            workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG2] = {"organism": org2_org_id,
-                                                    "analysis_id": org2_genome_analysis_id,
-                                                    "do_update": "true"}
-            workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG2] = {"organism": org2_org_id, "analysis_id": org2_ogs_analysis_id}
-            # workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org2}
-            workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {}
-            workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2] = {"organism_id":  org2_org_id}
+            workflow_parameters[LOAD_BLASTP_FILE_ORG2] = {"organism_id": org2_org_id,
+                                                          "analysis_id": org2_blastp_analysis_id}
+            workflow_parameters[SYNC_BLASTP_ANALYSIS_ORG2] = {"analysis_id":  org2_blastp_analysis_id}
-            # POPULATE + INDEX DATA
             workflow_parameters[POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS] = {}
             workflow_parameters[INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA] = {}
             # Set datamap (mapping of input files in the workflow)
             datamap = {}
             # Organism 1
-            datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_genome_hda_id}
-            datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_gff_hda_id}
-            datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_proteins_hda_id}
+            datamap[BLASTP_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": org1_blastp_hda_id}
             # Organism 2
-            datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_genome_hda_id}
-            datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_gff_hda_id}
-            datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_proteins_hda_id}
+            datamap[BLASTP_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": org2_blastp_hda_id}
             with open(workflow_path, 'r') as ga_in_file:
                 # Store the decoded json dictionary
                 workflow_dict = json.load(ga_in_file)
                 workflow_name = workflow_dict["name"]
-                # For the Jbrowse tool, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
-                # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
-                # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
-                if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
-                else:
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
-                # show_tool_add_organism = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/2.3.4+galaxy0", io_details=True)
-                # print(show_tool_add_organism)
-                # show_jbrowse_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/jbrowse/jbrowse/1.16.11+galaxy0", io_details=True)
-                # print(show_jbrowse_tool)
-                # show_jbrowse_container_tool = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/jbrowse_to_container/jbrowse_to_container/0.5.1", io_details=True)
-                # print(show_jbrowse_container_tool)
-                # Replace values in the workflow dictionary
-                workflow_dict["steps"]["7"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["7"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL_ORG1__", jbrowse_menu_url_org1)
-                workflow_dict["steps"]["8"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["8"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL_ORG2__", jbrowse_menu_url_org2)
-                # The UNIQUE_ID is specific to a combination genus_species_strain_sex so every combination should have its unique workflow
-                # in galaxy --> define a naming method for these workflows
-                workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"].replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG1__", org1_full_name).replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG1__", org1_species_folder_name)
-                workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["10"]["tool_state"].replace("__DISPLAY_NAME_ORG2__", org2_full_name).replace("__UNIQUE_ID_ORG2__", org2_species_folder_name)
                 # Import the workflow in galaxy as a dict
                 # Get its attributes
                 workflow_attributes = instance.workflows.get_workflows(name=workflow_name)
                 # Then get its ID (required to invoke the workflow)
@@ -1225,320 +1722,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 logging.info("Successfully imported and invoked workflow {0}, check the galaxy instance ({1}) for the jobs state".format(workflow_name, instance_url))
-            # Get the instance attribute from the object for future connections 
-            # This is the GalaxyInstance object from bioblend (not the url!)
-            # instance = run_workflow_for_current_organism.instance
-            # if "2org" in str(workflow):
-            #     logging.info("Executing workflow %s" % workflow)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-            #     # TODO: only do this once per instance (not at each iteration!)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_for_individual_tools()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_ogs_genome_analyses()
-            #     org_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_organism_id()
-            #     genome_analysis_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_genome_analysis_id()
-            #     ogs_analysis_id = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_ogs_analysis_id()
-            #     instance_attributes = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
-            #     # Import datasets into history and retrieve their hda IDs
-            #     # TODO: can be simplified with direct access to the folder contents via the full path (no loop required)
-            #     hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-            #     hda_ids_list.append(hda_ids)
-            #     # TODO: Exlcude the workflow invocation from the loop
-            #     # Extract instance url from one, attributes from both in lists ?
-            #     # Source files association (ordered by their IDs in the workflow)
-            #     GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "0"
-            #     GFF_FILE_ORG1 = "1"
-            #     PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1 = "2"
-            #     GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "3"
-            #     GFF_FILE_ORG2 = "4"
-            #     PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2 = "5"
-            #     LOAD_FASTA_ORG1 = "6"
-            #     JBROWSE_ORG1 = "7"
-            #     JRBOWSE_ORG2 = "8"
-            #     LOAD_GFF_ORG1 = "9"
-            #     JBROWSE_CONTAINER = "10"
-            #     SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1 = "11"
-            #     LOAD_FASTA_ORG2 = "12"
-            #     LOAD_GFF_ORG2 = "13"
-            #     SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2 = "14"
-            #     POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "15"
-            #     INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "16"
-            #     workflow_parameters = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {}
-            #     # ORGANISM 1
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG1] = {"organism": org_ids[0],
-            #                                             "analysis_id": genome_analysis_ids[0],
-            #                                             "do_update": "true"}
-            #     # Change "do_update": "true" to "do_update": "false" in above parameters to prevent appending/updates to the fasta file in chado
-            #     # WARNING: It is safer to never update it and just change the genome/ogs versions in the config
-            #     workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG1] = {"organism": org_ids[0], "analysis_id": ogs_analysis_ids[0]}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1] = {"organism_id":  org_ids[0]}
-            #     workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_CONTAINER] = {}
-            #     # ORGANISM 2
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG2] = {"organism": org_ids[1],
-            #                                             "analysis_id": genome_analysis_ids[1],
-            #                                             "do_update": "true"}
-            #     # Change "do_update": "true" to "do_update": "false" in above parameters to prevent appending/updates to the fasta file in chado
-            #     # WARNING: It is safer to never update it and just change the genome/ogs versions in the config
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG2] = {"organism": org_ids[1], "analysis_id": ogs_analysis_ids[1]}
-            #                     workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2] = {"organism_id":  org_ids[1]}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_GENOME_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": ogs_analysis_ids[0]}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_OGS_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": genome_analysis_ids[0]}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"organism_id": org_ids[0]}
-            #     # POPULATE + INDEX DATA
-            #     workflow_parameters[POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA] = {}
-            #     # Datamap for input datasets - dataset source (type): ldda (LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[0]["genome_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[0]["gff_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE_ORG1] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[0]["proteins_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[1]["genome_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[1]["gff_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE_ORG2] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids_list[1]["proteins_hda_id"]}
-            #     logging.info("OK: Workflow invoked")
-            # # If input workflow is Chado_load_Tripal_synchronize.ga
-            # if "Chado_load_Tripal_synchronize" in str(workflow):
-            #     logging.info("Executing workflow 'Chado_load_Tripal_synchronize'")
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_species_history_id()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_for_individual_tools()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_organism_ogs_genome_analyses()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_organism_id()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_genome_analysis_id()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_ogs_analysis_id()
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.tripal_synchronize_organism_analyses()
-            #     # Get the attributes of the instance and project data files
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
-            #     # Import datasets into history and retrieve their hda IDs
-            #     # TODO: can be simplified with direct access to the folder contents via the full path (no loop required)
-            #     hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-            #     # DEBUG
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_invocation_report(workflow_name="Chado load Tripal synchronize")
-            #     # Explicit workflow parameter names
-            #     GENOME_FASTA_FILE = "0"
-            #     GFF_FILE = "1"
-            #     PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE = "2"
-            #     TRANSCRIPTS_FASTA_FILE = "3"
-            #     LOAD_FASTA_IN_CHADO = "4"
-            #     LOAD_GFF_IN_CHADO = "5"
-            #     SYNC_ORGANISM_INTO_TRIPAL = "6"
-            #     SYNC_GENOME_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL = "7"
-            #     SYNC_OGS_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL = "8"
-            #     SYNC_FEATURES_INTO_TRIPAL = "9"
-            #     workflow_parameters = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[TRANSCRIPTS_FASTA_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_IN_CHADO] = {"organism": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id,
-            #                                                 "analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_analysis_id,
-            #                                                 "do_update": "true"}
-            #     # Change "do_update": "true" to "do_update": "false" in above parameters to prevent appending/updates to the fasta file in chado
-            #     # WARNING: It is safer to never update it and just change the genome/ogs versions in the config
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_IN_CHADO] = {"organism": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id,
-            #                                               "analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.ogs_analysis_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_ORGANISM_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"organism_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_GENOME_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.ogs_analysis_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_OGS_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.genome_analysis_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"organism_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id}
-            #     # Datamap for input datasets - dataset source (type): ldda (LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["genome_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["gff_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[PROTEINS_FASTA_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["proteins_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[TRANSCRIPTS_FASTA_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["transcripts_hda_id"]}
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id":
-            #     #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datasets["genome_file"]}
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE] = {"src": "hda",
-            #     #                                                        "id": hda_ids["gff_hda_id"]}
-            #     # Ensures galaxy has had time to retrieve datasets
-            #     time.sleep(60)
-            #     # Run the Chado load Tripal sync workflow with the parameters set above
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.run_workflow(workflow_path=workflow,
-            #                                                    workflow_parameters=workflow_parameters,
-            #                                                    datamap=run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap,
-            #                                                    workflow_name="Chado load Tripal synchronize")
-            # # Jbrowse creation workflow
-            # elif "Jbrowse" in str(workflow):
-            #     logging.info("Executing workflow 'Jbrowse'")
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow)
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_organism_id()
-            #     # Import datasets into history and get their hda IDs
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-            #     hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_datasets_hda_ids()  # Note: only call this function AFTER calling "import_datasets_into_history()"
-            #     # Debugging
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_invocation_report(workflow_name="Jbrowse")
-            #     GENOME_FASTA_FILE = "0"
-            #     GFF_FILE = "1"
-            #     ADD_JBROWSE = "2"
-            #     ADD_ORGANISM_TO_JBROWSE = "3"
-            #     workflow_parameters = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GENOME_FASTA_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[GFF_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[ADD_JBROWSE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[ADD_ORGANISM_TO_JBROWSE] = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GENOME_FASTA_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["genome_hda_id"]}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["gff_hda_id"]}
-            #     # Run the jbrowse creation workflow
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.run_workflow(workflow_path=workflow,
-            #                                                    workflow_parameters=workflow_parameters,
-            #                                                    datamap=run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap,
-            #                                                    workflow_name="Jbrowse")
-            # elif "Interpro" in str(workflow):
-            #     logging.info("Executing workflow 'Interproscan")
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow)
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_species_history_id()
-            #     # Get the attributes of the instance and project data files
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
-            #     run_workflow.add_interproscan_analysis()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_interpro_analysis_id()
-            #     # Import datasets into history and retrieve their hda IDs
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-            #     hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_datasets_hda_ids()
-            #     INTERPRO_FILE = "0"
-            #     LOAD_INTERPRO_IN_CHADO = "1"
-            #     SYNC_FEATURES_INTO_TRIPAL = "3"
-            #     POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "4"
-            #     INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "5"
-            #     workflow_parameters = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[INTERPRO_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_INTERPRO_IN_CHADO] = {"organism": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id,
-            #                                                    "analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.interpro_analysis_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_INTERPRO_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.interpro_analysis_id}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[INTERPRO_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.hda_ids["interproscan_hda_id"]}
-            #     # Run Interproscan workflow
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.run_workflow(workflow_path=workflow,
-            #                                                    workflow_parameters=workflow_parameters,
-            #                                                    datamap=run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap,
-            #                                                    workflow_name="Interproscan")
-            # elif "Blast" in str(workflow):
-            #     logging.info("Executing workflow 'Blast_Diamond")
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.connect_to_instance()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.set_get_history()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(workflow_path=workflow)
-            #     # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_species_history_id()
-            #     # Get the attributes of the instance and project data files
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_instance_attributes()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.add_blastp_diamond_analysis()
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_blastp_diamond_analysis_id()
-            #     # Import datasets into history and retrieve their hda IDs
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-            #     hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_datasets_hda_ids()
-            #     BLAST_FILE = "0"
-            #     LOAD_BLAST_IN_CHADO = "1"
-            #     SYNC_BLAST_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL = "2"
-            #     SYNC_FEATURES_INTO_TRIPAL = "3"
-            #     POPULATE_MAT_VIEWS = "4"
-            #     INDEX_TRIPAL_DATA = "5"
-            #     workflow_parameters = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[INTERPRO_FILE] = {}
-            #     workflow_parameters[LOAD_BLAST_IN_CHADO] = {"organism": run_workflow_for_current_organism.org_id,
-            #                                                 "analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.blast_diamond_analysis_id}
-            #     workflow_parameters[SYNC_BLAST_ANALYSIS_INTO_TRIPAL] = {"analysis_id": run_workflow_for_current_organism.blast_diamond_analysis_id}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap = {}
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[INTERPRO_FILE] = {"src": "hda", "id": hda_ids["interproscan_hda_id"]}
-            #     # Run Interproscan workflow
-            #     run_workflow_for_current_organism.run_workflow(workflow_path=workflow,
-            #                                                    workflow_parameters=workflow_parameters,
-            #                                                    datamap=run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap,
-            #                                                    workflow_name="Interproscan")
diff --git a/workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v4.ga b/workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v4.ga
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0349a497fc1c8baa9ab98ba75c092dad191da08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflows_phaeoexplorer/Galaxy-Workflow-chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v4.ga
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true",
+    "annotation": "",
+    "format-version": "0.1",
+    "name": "chado_load_tripal_synchronize_jbrowse_1org_v4",
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+                    "uuid": "dc519305-8c27-4c53-9150-7dd37b5090cd"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "7": {
+            "annotation": "",
+            "content_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/tripal_db_index/db_index/",
+            "errors": null,
+            "id": 7,
+            "input_connections": {
+                "wait_for": {
+                    "id": 6,
+                    "output_name": "results"
+                }
+            },
+            "inputs": [],
+            "label": "index tripal data",
+            "name": "Index Tripal data",
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "results",
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ],
+            "position": {
+                "bottom": 349,
+                "height": 112.80000305175781,
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+                "width": 200,
+                "x": 1373.5,
+                "y": 236.1999969482422
+            },
+            "post_job_actions": {},
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/tripal_db_index/db_index/",
+            "tool_shed_repository": {
+                "changeset_revision": "d55a39f12dda",
+                "name": "tripal_db_index",
+                "owner": "gga",
+                "tool_shed": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu"
+            },
+            "tool_state": "{\"expose\": {\"do_expose\": \"no\", \"__current_case__\": 0}, \"queues\": \"10\", \"table\": {\"mode\": \"website\", \"__current_case__\": 0}, \"tokenizer\": \"standard\", \"wait_for\": {\"__class__\": \"ConnectedValue\"}, \"__page__\": null, \"__rerun_remap_job_id__\": null}",
+            "tool_version": "",
+            "type": "tool",
+            "uuid": "5ecc30b0-07ab-4f9b-81f0-31310358c221",
+            "workflow_outputs": [
+                {
+                    "label": "Index Tripal data",
+                    "output_name": "results",
+                    "uuid": "e2911922-2412-4618-97fe-bcc783bb0865"
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    },
+    "tags": [],
+    "uuid": "ffae97b5-698a-41a5-8561-470300594544",
+    "version": 6
\ No newline at end of file