diff --git a/misc/banner.png b/misc/banner.png
index 06f7b085b4ede50ea7d91dfde8e30a2a88ff821a..2be0af67b7bd67b76a4f7d13eee392d4bd6f6bf7 100644
Binary files a/misc/banner.png and b/misc/banner.png differ
diff --git a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
index f3fd8e726252261b1403907c7cacaa1a6e3c8242..2857feb8b19ee81bbc17f13cc9e3adfb0a2fe307 100644
--- a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
+++ b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
             blast_diamond_analysis_output = json.loads(blast_diamond_analysis_json_output)[0]
             self.blast_diamond_analysis_id = str(blast_diamond_analysis_output["analysis_id"])
-        except IndexErro as exc:
+        except IndexError as exc:
             logging.critical("No matching InterproScan analysis exists in the instance's chado database")
@@ -551,83 +551,89 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         instance_source_data_folders = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=str(library_id))
         folders_ids = {}
-        current_folder_name = ""
+        folder_name = ""
         # Loop over the folders in the library and map folders names to their IDs
         for i in instance_source_data_folders:
-            for k, v in i.items():
-                if k == "name":
-                    folders_ids[v] = 0
-                    current_folder_name = v
-                if k == "id":
-                    folders_ids[current_folder_name] = v
+            folders_ids[i["name"]] = i["id"]
-        history_datasets_li = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets()
-        genome_dataset_hda_id, gff_dataset_hda_id, transcripts_dataset_hda_id, proteins_datasets_hda_id = None, None, None, None
-        interproscan_dataset_hda_id, blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = None, None
-        # Store datasets that are in the history already in a dict
-        hda_ids = self.get_datasets_hda_ids()
         # Iterating over the folders to find datasets and map datasets to their IDs
         logging.debug("Datasets IDs: ")
         for k, v in folders_ids.items():
-            if k == "/genome":
+            # print(self.full_name)
+            # print(self.species_folder_name)
+            # print(k)
+            # print(v)
+            if k == "/genome/{0}/v{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.genome_version):
                 sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=v, contents=True)
-                final_sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=sub_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["id"], contents=True)
-                for k2, v2 in final_sub_folder_content.items():
+                for k2, v2 in sub_folder_content.items():
                     for e in v2:
                         if type(e) == dict:
+                            # print(e)
                             if e["name"].endswith(".fa"):
                                 self.datasets["genome_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("Genome file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-            if k == "/annotation":
+                                self.datasets_name["genome_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tGenome file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                # print("Genome file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+            # print(self.species_folder_name)
+            if k == "/annotation/{0}/OGS{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.ogs_version):
                 sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=v, contents=True)
-                final_sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=sub_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["id"], contents=True)
-                for k2, v2 in final_sub_folder_content.items():
+                for k2, v2 in sub_folder_content.items():
                     for e in v2:
                         if type(e) == dict:
                             if "transcripts" in e["name"]:
                                 self.datasets["transcripts_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("Transcripts file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                self.datasets_name["transcripts_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tTranscripts file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
                             elif "proteins.fa" in e["name"]:
                                 self.datasets["proteins_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("Proteins file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                self.datasets_name["proteins_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tProteins file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
                             elif "gff" in e["name"]:
                                 self.datasets["gff_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("GFF file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                self.datasets_name["gff_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tGFF file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
                             elif "Interpro" in e["name"]:
                                 self.datasets["interproscan_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("Interproscan file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tInterproscan file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
                             elif "diamond-blastp" in e["name"]:
                                 self.datasets["blast_diamond_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                logging.debug("Blastp diamond file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
+                                self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"] = e["name"]
+                                logging.debug("\tBlastp diamond file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
         logging.debug("Uploading datasets into history %s" % self.history_id)
         # Import each dataset into history if it is not imported
-        if hda_ids["genome_hda_id"] is None:
+        first_hda_ids = self.get_datasets_hda_ids()
+        if first_hda_ids["genome_hda_id"] is None:
             self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["genome_file"])
-        if hda_ids["gff_hda_id"] is None:
+        if first_hda_ids["gff_hda_id"] is None:
             self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["gff_file"])
-        if hda_ids["transcripts_hda_id"] is None:
+        if first_hda_ids["transcripts_hda_id"] is None:
             self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["transcripts_file"])
-        if hda_ids["proteins_hda_id"] is None:
+        if first_hda_ids["proteins_hda_id"] is None:
             self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["proteins_file"])
-        if hda_ids["interproscan_hda_id"] is None:
+        if first_hda_ids["interproscan_hda_id"] is None:
                 self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["interproscan_file"])
             except Exception as exc:
-                logging.debug("Interproscan file not found in library (history: {0})\n{1}".format(self.history_id, exc))
-        if hda_ids["blast_diamond_hda_id"] is None:
+                logging.debug("Interproscan file not found in library (history: {0})".format(self.history_id))
+        if first_hda_ids["blast_diamond_hda_id"] is None:
                 self.instance.histories.upload_dataset_from_library(history_id=self.history_id, lib_dataset_id=self.datasets["blast_diamond_file"])
             except Exception as exc:
-                logging.debug("Blastp file not found in library (history: {0})\n{1}".format(self.history_id, exc))
+                logging.debug("Blastp file not found in library (history: {0})".format(self.history_id))
         # _datasets = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets()
         # with open(os.path.join(self.main_dir, "datasets_ids.json"), "w") as datasets_ids_outfile:
         #     datasets_ids_outfile.write(str(_datasets))
-        return {"history_id": self.history_id, "library_id": library_id, "datasets": self.datasets}
+        # Return a dict made of the hda ids
+        return self.get_datasets_hda_ids()
     def get_datasets_hda_ids(self):
@@ -641,109 +647,46 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
-        # Create an object of the galaxy instance 
-        gio = GalaxyInstance(url=self.instance_url,
-                             email=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_email"],
-                             password=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_password"])
-        prj_lib = gio.libraries.get_previews(name="Project Data")
-        library_id = prj_lib[0].id
-        instance_source_data_folders = self.instance.libraries.get_folders(library_id=str(library_id))
-        folders_ids = {}
-        current_folder_name = ""
-        # Loop over the folders in the library and map folders names to their IDs
-        for i in instance_source_data_folders:
-            for k, v in i.items():
-                if k == "name":
-                    folders_ids[v] = 0
-                    current_folder_name = v
-                if k == "id":
-                    folders_ids[current_folder_name] = v
-        history_datasets_li = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets()
-        genome_dataset_hda_id, gff_dataset_hda_id, transcripts_dataset_hda_id, proteins_datasets_hda_id = None, None, None, None
-        interproscan_dataset_hda_id, blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = None, None
-        # Iterating over the folders to find datasets and map datasets to their IDs
-        # TODO: Add a required matching of the version (genome/ogs)
-        logging.debug("Datasets IDs: ")
-        for k, v in folders_ids.items():
-            if k == "/genome":
-                sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=v, contents=True)
-                final_sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=sub_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["id"], contents=True)
-                for k2, v2 in final_sub_folder_content.items():
-                    for e in v2:
-                        if type(e) == dict:
-                            if e["name"].endswith(".fa"):
-                                self.datasets["genome_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["genome_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("Genome file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-            if k == "/annotation":
-                sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=v, contents=True)
-                final_sub_folder_content = self.instance.folders.show_folder(folder_id=sub_folder_content["folder_contents"][0]["id"], contents=True)
-                for k2, v2 in final_sub_folder_content.items():
-                    for e in v2:
-                        if type(e) == dict:
-                            if "transcripts" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["transcripts_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["transcripts_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("Transcripts file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-                            elif "proteins.fa" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["proteins_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["proteins_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("Proteins file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-                            elif "gff" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["gff_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["gff_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("GFF file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-                            elif "Interpro" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["interproscan_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("Interproscan file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
-                            elif "diamond-blastp" in e["name"]:
-                                self.datasets["blast_diamond_file"] = e["ldda_id"]
-                                self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"] = e["name"]
-                                logging.debug("Blastp diamond file:\t" + e["name"] + ": " + e["ldda_id"])
         # List of all datasets in the instance (including outputs from jobs)
         # "limit" and "offset" options *may* be used to restrict search to specific datasets but since
         # there is no way to know which imported datasets are the correct ones depending on history content
         # it's not currently used
         history_datasets_li = self.instance.datasets.get_datasets()
+        print(history_datasets_li)
         genome_dataset_hda_id, gff_dataset_hda_id, transcripts_dataset_hda_id, proteins_datasets_hda_id = None, None, None, None
         interproscan_dataset_hda_id, blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = None, None
-        # Match files imported in history names vs library datasets names to assign their respective hda_id 
+        # Match files imported in history names vs library datasets names to assign their respective hda_id
         for dataset_dict in history_datasets_li:
-            if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["genome_file"]:
-                genome_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                logging.debug("Genome dataset hda id: %s" % genome_dataset_hda_id)
-            elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["proteins_file"]:
-                proteins_datasets_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                logging.debug("Proteins dataset hda ID: %s" % proteins_datasets_hda_id)
-            elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["transcripts_file"]:
-                transcripts_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                logging.debug("Transcripts dataset hda ID: %s" % transcripts_dataset_hda_id)
-            elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["gff_file"]:
-                gff_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                logging.debug("gff dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
-            if "interproscan_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
-                if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"]:
-                    interproscan_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                    logging.debug("InterproScan dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
-            if "blast_diamond_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
-                if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"]:
-                    blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
-                    logging.debug("Blast Diamond dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
+            if dataset_dict["history_id"] == self.history_id:
+                if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["genome_file"]:
+                    genome_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                    logging.debug("Genome dataset hda id: %s" % genome_dataset_hda_id)
+                elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["proteins_file"]:
+                    proteins_datasets_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                    logging.debug("Proteins dataset hda ID: %s" % proteins_datasets_hda_id)
+                elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["transcripts_file"]:
+                    transcripts_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                    logging.debug("Transcripts dataset hda ID: %s" % transcripts_dataset_hda_id)
+                elif dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["gff_file"]:
+                    gff_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                    logging.debug("GFF dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
+                if "interproscan_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
+                    if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["interproscan_file"]:
+                        interproscan_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                        logging.debug("InterproScan dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
+                if "blast_diamond_file" in self.datasets_name.keys():
+                    if dataset_dict["name"] == self.datasets_name["blast_diamond_file"]:
+                        blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id = dataset_dict["id"]
+                        logging.debug("Blast Diamond dataset hda ID: %s" % gff_dataset_hda_id)
         # Return a dict made of the hda ids
-        return{"genome_hda_id": genome_dataset_hda_id, "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_dataset_hda_id,
-               "proteins_hda_id": proteins_datasets_hda_id, "gff_hda_id": gff_dataset_hda_id,
-               "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_dataset_hda_id, "blast_diamond_hda_id": blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id}
+        return {"genome_hda_id": genome_dataset_hda_id, "transcripts_hda_id": transcripts_dataset_hda_id,
+                "proteins_hda_id": proteins_datasets_hda_id, "gff_hda_id": gff_dataset_hda_id,
+                "interproscan_hda_id": interproscan_dataset_hda_id,
+                "blast_diamond_hda_id": blast_diamond_dataset_hda_id}
     def get_organism_id(self):
@@ -753,9 +696,9 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
+        tool_version = "2.3.3"
         # Get the ID for the current organism in chado
         org = self.instance.tools.run_tool(
@@ -925,8 +868,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 # Import datasets into history and retrieve their hda IDs
-                run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
-                hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_datasets_hda_ids()
+                hda_ids = run_workflow_for_current_organism.import_datasets_into_history()
                 # DEBUG
                 # run_workflow_for_current_organism.get_invocation_report(workflow_name="Chado load Tripal synchronize")
@@ -976,6 +918,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 # run_workflow_for_current_organism.datamap[GFF_FILE] = {"src": "hda",
                 #                                                        "id": hda_ids["gff_hda_id"]}
+                # Ensures galaxy has time to retrieve
+                time.sleep(60)
                 # Run the Chado load Tripal sync workflow with the parameters set above
diff --git a/speciesData.py b/speciesData.py
index a52b0e504015366d0b5dfee129d13e556b1d4cda..dc6d2a46ec8c00bf9d72b38af43fd841d374203a 100644
--- a/speciesData.py
+++ b/speciesData.py
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ class SpeciesData:
         self.genus_uppercase = self.genus[0].upper() + self.genus[1:]
         self.chado_species_name = "{0} {1}".format(self.species, self.sex)
         self.full_name = ' '.join(utilities.filter_empty_not_empty_items([self.genus_uppercase, self.species, self.strain, self.sex])["not_empty"])
+        self.full_name = self.full_name.replace("__", "_").replace("_ ", "_").replace(" _", "_")
+        if self.full_name.endswith("_") or self.full_name.endswith(" "):
+            self.full_name = self.full_name[0:-2]
         self.full_name_lowercase = self.full_name.lower()
         self.abbreviation = "_".join(utilities.filter_empty_not_empty_items([self.genus_lowercase[0], self.species, self.strain, self.sex])["not_empty"])
         self.genus_species = self.genus_lowercase + "_" + self.species
diff --git a/templates/gspecies_compose_template.yml.j2 b/templates/gspecies_compose_template.yml.j2
index c943c27b190351e600d7b7bf9beb59995a08aa3f..d6ca429d4db6da271b512e79824f860b1adc3c2e 100644
--- a/templates/gspecies_compose_template.yml.j2
+++ b/templates/gspecies_compose_template.yml.j2
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ services:
             TRIPAL_ENABLE_MODULES: "tripal_analysis_blast tripal_analysis_interpro tripal_analysis_go tripal_rest_api tripal_elasticsearch"
             SITE_NAME: "{{ Genus_species }}"
             ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: elasticsearch.{{ genus_species }}
-            ENABLE_JBROWSE: /jbrowse/?data=data/{{ genus_species_sex }} # WARNING --> the variable "sex" shouldn't be in the compose file (all strains/sex are supposed to be in the same jbrowse)
+            ENABLE_JBROWSE: /jbrowse/?data=data/{{ genus_species_sex }}
+            # This ENABLE_JBROWSE variable should point to the "best assembly" by default --> tag it in the input file and use it to define this variable correctly (also called
+            # unique id in the jbrowse tool parameters == both have to be identical)
             ENABLE_APOLLO: 0
             ENABLE_BLAST: 1
             ENABLE_DOWNLOAD: 1