diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fd0b6243472147a79e44c59142e3c9b803c72f0d..4601866ff7b46ceec99b08b0bf2aee0910a18ba2 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # gga_load_data tools
 The gga_load_data tools allow automated deployment of GMOD visualisation tools (Chado, Tripal, JBrowse, Galaxy) for a bunch of genomes and datasets. 
-They are based on the Galaxy Genome Annotation (GGA) project (https://galaxy-genome-annotation.github.io). 
+They are based on the [Galaxy Genome Annotation (GGA) project](https://galaxy-genome-annotation.github.io). 
 A stack of Docker services is deployed for each organism, from an input yaml file describing the data.
 See `examples/example.yml` for an example of what information can be described and the correct formatting of this input file.
@@ -33,18 +33,17 @@ Note that Authelia needs a secured connexion (no self-signed certificate) betwee
 The "gga_load_data" tools are composed of 4 scripts:
 - gga_init: Create directory tree for organisms and deploy stacks for the input organisms as well as Traefik and optionally Authelia stacks
-- gga_get_data: Create `src_data` directory tree for organisms and copy datasets for the input organisms into the organisms directory tree
+- gga_get_data: Create `src_data` directory tree for organisms and copy datasets for the input organisms into `src_data`
 - gga_load_data: Load the datasets of the input organisms into their Galaxy library
-- run_workflow_phaeoexplorer: Remotely run a custom workflow in Galaxy, proposed as an "example script" to take inspiration from as workflow parameters are specific to Phaeoexplorer data
+- run_workflow_phaeoexplorer: Remotely run a custom workflow in Galaxy, proposed as an "example script" to take inspiration from as workflow parameters are specific to the [Phaeoexplorer](https://phaeoexplorer.sb-roscoff.fr) data
 ## Usage:
 For all scripts one input file is required, that describes the species and their associated data.
-(see `examples/example.yml`). Every dataset path in this file must be an absolute path.
+(see `examples/citrus_sinensis.yml`). Every dataset path in this file must be an absolute path.
 Another yaml file is required, the config file, with configuration variables (Galaxy and Tripal passwords, etc..) that
-the scripts need to create the different services and to access the Galaxy container. By default, the config file
-inside the repository root will be used if none is precised in the command line. An example of this config file is available
+the scripts need to create the different services and to access the Galaxy container. An example of this config file is available
 in the `examples` folder.
 **The input file and config file have to be the same for all scripts!**
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ in the `examples` folder.
 - Deploy stacks part: 
-$ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_init.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
+$ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_init.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file.yml [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
 		--main-directory $PATH (Path where to create/update stacks; default=current directory)
 		--force-traefik (If specified, will overwrite traefik and authelia files; default=False)
@@ -67,28 +66,27 @@ $ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_get_data.py input_file.yml [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
 - Load data in Galaxy library and prepare Galaxy instance: 
-$ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_load_data.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file [-v/--verbose]
+$ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_load_data.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file.yml [-v/--verbose]
 		--main-directory $PATH (Path where to access stacks; default=current directory)
 - Run a workflow in galaxy: 
-$ python3 /path/to/repo/gga_load_data.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file --workflow /path/to/workflow.ga [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
-		--workflow $WORKFLOW (Path to the workflow to run in galaxy. A couple of preset workflows are available in the "workflows" folder of the repository)
+$ python3 /path/to/repo/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py input_file.yml -c/--config config_file.yml --workflow /path/to/workflow.ga [-v/--verbose] [OPTIONS]
+		--workflow $WORKFLOW (Path to the workflow to run in galaxy. A couple of preset workflows are available in the "workflows_phaeoexplorer" folder)
 		--main-directory $PATH (Path where to access stacks; default=current directory)
-## Limitations
-The stacks deployment and the data loading into Galaxy should be run separately and only once the Galaxy service is ready.
-The `gga_load_data.py` script check that the Galaxy service is ready before loading the data and exit with a notification if it is not.
+The data loading into Galaxy with `gga_load_data.py` should be run only once the Galaxy service deployed with `gga_init.py` is ready.
+The `gga_load_data.py` script checks that the Galaxy service is ready before loading the data and exit with a notification if it is not.
 The status of the Galaxy service can be checked manually with `$ docker service logs -f genus_species_galaxy` or 
 `./serexec genus_species_galaxy supervisorctl status`.
 When deploying the stack of services, the Galaxy service can take a long time to be ready, because of the data persistence. 
-In development mode only, this can be disabled by setting the variable `persist_galaxy_data` to `False` in the config file.
+In development mode only, this can be disabled by setting the variable `galaxy_persist_data` to `False` in the config file.
 ## Directory tree:
diff --git a/constants.py b/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9fa387629fe35ec4352e2eedf8b27e912d18a91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Constants used in the input yaml
+ORG_PARAM_NAME = "name"
+ORG_PARAM_DESC = "description"
+ORG_PARAM_DATA = "data"
+ORG_PARAM_SERVICES = "services"
+# Constants used in the config yaml file
+CONF_ALL_HOSTNAME = "hostname"
+CONF_ALL_HTTP_PORT = "http_port"
+CONF_ALL_HTTPS_PORT = "https_port"
+CONF_ALL_PROXY_IP = "proxy_ip"
+CONF_ALL_AUTH_DOMAIN_NAME = "authentication_domain_name"
+CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH = "authelia_config_path"
+CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_SECRETS_ENV_PATH = "authelia_secrets_env_path"
+CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_DB_POSTGRES_PASSWORD = "authelia_db_postgres_password"
+CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL = "galaxy_default_admin_email"
+CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USER = "galaxy_defaut_admin_user"
+CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD = "galaxy_default_admin_password"
+CONF_GALAXY_CONFIG_REMOTE_USER_MAILDOMAIN = "galaxy_config_remote_user_maildomain"
+CONF_GALAXY_PERSIST_DATA = "galaxy_persist_data"
+CONF_TRIPAL_PASSWORD = "tripal_password"
+CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH = "tripal_banner_path"
+CONF_TRIPAL_THEME_NAME = "tripal_theme_name"
+CONF_TRIPAL_THEME_GIT_CLONE = "tripal_theme_git_clone"
+CONF_JBROWSE_MENU_URL = "jbrowse_menu_url"
+# default config file
+DEFAULT_CONFIG = "examples/config"
+GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL = "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_get_organisms/organism_get_organisms/2.3.4+galaxy0"
+DELETE_ORGANISMS_TOOL = "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_delete_organisms/organism_delete_organisms/2.3.4+galaxy0"
diff --git a/examples/citrus_sinensis.yml b/examples/citrus_sinensis.yml
index 14fe1dcd168a0bd2ca52111ff163abdba62b41dd..0ff6d02d63aa08d80bb9f0bc713c4005c1494876 100644
--- a/examples/citrus_sinensis.yml
+++ b/examples/citrus_sinensis.yml
@@ -6,33 +6,31 @@
   # Species description, leave blank if unknown or you don't want it to be used
   # These parameters are used to set up the various urls and adresses in different containers
   # The script requires at least the genus to be specified
-    genus: "Citrus"  # Mandatory!
-    species: "sinensis" # Mandatory!
-    sex: "male"
-    strain: ""
-    common_name: ""
-    origin: ""
+    genus: Citrus  # Mandatory!
+    species: sinensis # Mandatory!
+    sex: male
+    strain:
+    common_name:
+    origin:
   # Paths to the different datasets to copy and import into the galaxy container (as a shared library)
   # Must be absolute paths to the dataset
-    genome_path: "/path/to/repo/examples/src_data/genome/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-scaffold00001.fasta" # Mandatory!
-    transcripts_path: "/path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta"  # Mandatory!
-    proteins_path: "" # Mandatory!
-    gff_path: "/path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.gff3" # Mandatory!
-    interpro_path: "/path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/functional_annotation/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.iprscan.xml"
-    orthofinder_path: ""
-    blastp_path: ""
-    blastx_path: "/path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/functional_annotation/Blastx_citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta.0_vs_uniprot_sprot.fasta.out"
+    genome_path: /path/to/repo/examples/src_data/genome/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-scaffold00001.fasta # Mandatory!
+    transcripts_path: /path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta  # Mandatory!
+    proteins_path: # Mandatory!
+    gff_path: /path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.gff3 # Mandatory!
+    interpro_path: /path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/functional_annotation/Citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.iprscan.xml
+    orthofinder_path:
+    blastp_path:
+    blastx_path: /path/to/repo/examples/src_data/annotation/v1.0/functional_annotation/Blastx_citrus_sinensis-orange1.1g015632m.g.fasta.0_vs_uniprot_sprot.fasta.out
     # If the user has several datasets of the same 'nature' (gff, genomes, ...) to upload to galaxy, the next scalar is used by the script to differentiate
     # between these different versions and name directories according to it and not overwrite the existing data
     # If left empty, the genome will be considered version "1.0"
-    genome_version: "1.0"
+    genome_version: 1.0
     # Same as genome version, but for the OGS analysis
-    ogs_version: "1.0"
-    performed_by: ""
+    ogs_version: 1.0
+    performed_by:
   # List the optional services to be deploy in the stack
   # By default, only tripal, tripaldb, galaxy, jbrowse and elasticsearch services will be deployed
-    blast: "False"
-    wiki: "False"
-    apollo: "False"
\ No newline at end of file
+    blast: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/config.yml b/examples/config.yml
index b34b323103f734950a73c8de8ae4aa52bb73d497..c1d5d28db7866d3a9e90fa2606d1f9aa30cf99f3 100644
--- a/examples/config.yml
+++ b/examples/config.yml
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
 # This is the configuration template file used by the gga_init.py, gga_load_data.py and run_workflow.py scripts
-# "all" section contains variables used by several services at once or the paths to import sensitive files
-      hostname: localhost  # Required. The hosting machine name
-      http_port: 8888  # Required. The HTTP port docker will use on the hosting machine
-      https_port: 8889  # Required for Authelia. The HTTPS port docker will use on the hosting machine
-      proxy_ip: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  # Required. IP of the upstream proxy (used by Traefik)
-      authentication_domain_name: XXXXXXXX  #  Required for Authelia. The authentication domain name.
-      authelia_config_path: /path/to/authelia_config.yml #  Required for Authelia. Path to the Authelia configuration file
-      authelia_secrets_env_path: /path/to/authelia/secrets.env #  Required for Authelia. Path to the env file containing passwords and secrets needed for Authelia
-      authelia-db_postgres_password: XXXXXXXX #  Required for Authelia.
+# These variables are used by several services at once or the paths to import sensitive files
+hostname: localhost  # Required. The hosting machine name
+http_port: 8888  # Required. The HTTP port docker will use on the hosting machine
+https_port: 8889  # Required for Authelia. The HTTPS port docker will use on the hosting machine
+proxy_ip: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  # Required. IP of the upstream proxy (used by Traefik)
+authentication_domain_name: XXXXXXXX  #  Required for Authelia. The authentication domain name.
+authelia_config_path: /path/to/authelia_config.yml #  Required for Authelia. Path to the Authelia configuration file
+authelia_secrets_env_path: /path/to/authelia/secrets.env #  Required for Authelia. Path to the env file containing passwords and secrets needed for Authelia
+authelia-db_postgres_password: XXXXXXXX #  Required for Authelia.
 # galaxy-specific variables
-      galaxy_default_admin_email: gga@galaxy.org  # Required
-      galaxy_defaut_admin_user: gga  # Required
-      galaxy_default_admin_password: password  # Required
-      webapollo_user: admin_apollo@galaxy.org  # Required
-      webapollo_password: apollopass  # Required
-      galaxy_config_remote_user_maildomain: mydomain.com  # Required. The maildomain used by Galaxy authentication
-      persist_galaxy_data: "True"  # Optional (default: True). If False, docker data will NOT be persisted on your host's file system and will be lost any time the galaxy container is recreated. Do not set this variable to "False" for production
+galaxy_default_admin_email: gga@galaxy.org  # Required
+galaxy_defaut_admin_user: gga  # Required
+galaxy_default_admin_password: password  # Required
+galaxy_config_remote_user_maildomain: mydomain.com  # Required. The maildomain used by Galaxy authentication
+galaxy_persist_data: "True"  # Optional (default: True). If False, docker data will NOT be persisted on your host's file system and will be lost any time the galaxy container is recreated. Do not set this variable to "False" for production
 # tripal-specific variables
-      tripal_password: tripalpass  # Required. Tripal database password (also used by galaxy as an environment variable)
-      banner_path: /path/to/banner.png  # Optional. Use this to change the top banner in Tripal
-      tripal_theme_name: tripal_gga   # Optional. Use this to use another theme
-      tripal_theme_git_clone: http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/tripal_gga.git  # Optional. Use this to install another theme.
+tripal_password: tripalpass  # Required. Tripal database password (also used by galaxy as an environment variable)
+tripal_banner_path: /path/to/banner.png  # Optional. Use this to change the top banner in Tripal
+tripal_theme_name: tripal_gga   # Optional. Use this to use another theme
+tripal_theme_git_clone: http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/tripal_gga.git  # Optional. Use this to install another theme.
 # jbrowse-specific variables
-      menu_url: "http://localhost:8888/" # Optional. Used with run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py: if present, this variable is used to define JBrowse menu_url (to define the template url for the JBrowse feature's link to Tripal), if absent, will use default "https://hostname"
\ No newline at end of file
+jbrowse_menu_url: "http://localhost:8888/" # Optional. Used with run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py: if present, this variable is used to define JBrowse menu_url (to define the template url for the JBrowse feature's link to Tripal), if absent, will use default "https://hostname"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gga_get_data.py b/gga_get_data.py
index 1c14ed3a3e674fc773dbc81ef6bc4bd583a4208e..992e5c6c46f59d0bfdd2cecf14f99d3be21f0a95 100755
--- a/gga_get_data.py
+++ b/gga_get_data.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import shutil
 import utilities
 import speciesData
+import constants
@@ -87,55 +88,47 @@ class GetData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         organism_annotation_dir = os.path.abspath("./src_data/annotation/{0}/OGS{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.ogs_version))
         organism_genome_dir = os.path.abspath("./src_data/genome/{0}/v{1}".format(self.species_folder_name, self.genome_version))
-        datasets_to_get = {"genome_path": self.genome_path,
-                           "gff_path": self.gff_path, 
-                           "transcripts_path": self.transcripts_path,
-                           "proteins_path": self.proteins_path,
-                           "interpro_path": self.interpro_path, 
-                           "orthofinder_path": self.orthofinder_path, 
-                           "blastp_path": self.blastp_path, 
-                           "blastx_path": self.blastx_path}
-        genome_datasets = ["genome_path"]
-        annotation_datasets = ["gff_path", "transcripts_path", "proteins_path", "orthofinder_path", "interpro_path", "blastp_path", "blastx_path"]  
-        # Where to store blast results?
-        # search_excluded_datasets = ["interpro_path", "orthofinder_path", "blastp_path", "blastx_path"]  
-        # These datasets will not be searched if missing in the input file
+        genome_datasets = {constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_PATH: self.genome_path}
+        annotation_datasets = {constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GFF_PATH: self.gff_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_TRANSCRIPTS_PATH: self.transcripts_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PROTEINS_PATH: self.proteins_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_INTERPRO_PATH: self.interpro_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_ORTHOFINDER_PATH: self.orthofinder_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTP_PATH: self.blastp_path,
+                               constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTX_PATH: self.blastx_path}
         # Copy datasets in the organism src_data dir tree correct folder
-        for k, v in datasets_to_get.items():
+        for k, v in genome_datasets.items():
             if v:  # If dataset is not present in input file, skip copy
-                if k in genome_datasets:
-                    logging.info("Copying {0} ({1}) into {2}".format(k, v, organism_genome_dir))
-                    genome_fname = "{0}_v{1}.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.genome_version)
-                    try:
-                        shutil.copyfile(os.path.abspath(v), os.path.join(organism_genome_dir, genome_fname))
-                    except Exception as exc:
-                        logging.warning("Could not copy {0} ({1}) - Exit Code: {2})".format(k, v, exc))
-                elif k in annotation_datasets:
-                    dataset_fname = ""
-                    if k == "gff_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_{2}.gff".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version, self.get_last_modified_time_string(os.path.abspath(v)))
-                    elif k == "transcripts_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_transcripts.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    elif k == "proteins_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_proteins.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    elif k == "orthofinder_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_orthofinder.tsv".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    elif k == "interpro_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_interproscan.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    elif k == "blastp_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_blastp.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    elif k == "blastx_path":
-                        dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_blastx.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
-                    logging.info("Copying {0} ({1}) into {2}".format(k, v, organism_annotation_dir))
-                    try:
-                        shutil.copyfile(os.path.abspath(v), os.path.join(organism_annotation_dir, dataset_fname))
-                    except Exception as exc:
-                        logging.warning("Could not copy {0} ({1}) - Exit Code: {2}".format(k, v, exc))
-                else:
-                    pass
+                logging.info("Copying {0} ({1}) into {2}".format(k, v, organism_genome_dir))
+                genome_fname = "{0}_v{1}.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.genome_version)
+                try:
+                    shutil.copyfile(os.path.abspath(v), os.path.join(organism_genome_dir, genome_fname))
+                except Exception as exc:
+                    logging.warning("Could not copy {0} ({1}) - Exit Code: {2})".format(k, v, exc))
+        for k, v in annotation_datasets.items():
+            if v:  # If dataset is not present in input file, skip copy
+                dataset_fname = ""
+                if k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GFF_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_{2}.gff".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version, self.get_last_modified_time_string(os.path.abspath(v)))
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_TRANSCRIPTS_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_transcripts.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PROTEINS_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_proteins.fasta".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_ORTHOFINDER_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_orthofinder.tsv".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_INTERPRO_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_interproscan.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTP_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_blastp.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                elif k == constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTX_PATH:
+                    dataset_fname = "{0}_OGS{1}_blastx.xml".format(self.dataset_prefix, self.ogs_version)
+                logging.info("Copying {0} ({1}) into {2}".format(k, v, organism_annotation_dir))
+                try:
+                    shutil.copyfile(os.path.abspath(v), os.path.join(organism_annotation_dir, dataset_fname))
+                except Exception as exc:
+                    logging.warning("Could not copy {0} ({1}) - Exit Code: {2}".format(k, v, exc))
@@ -162,10 +155,7 @@ def make_dirs(dir_paths_li):
     return created_dir_paths_li
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automatic data loading in containers and interaction "
-                                                 "with galaxy instances for GGA"
-                                                 ", following the protocol @ "
-                                                 "http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/gga")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create 'src_data' tree and add data files")
@@ -212,4 +202,3 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         logging.info("Finding and copying datasets for %s" % get_data_for_current_species.full_name)
         logging.info("Sucessfully copied datasets for %s" % get_data_for_current_species.full_name)
diff --git a/gga_init.py b/gga_init.py
index 8ec255f81fe9a4a69e7b48808a20d534ecdfafa2..879fda83449178123873d13dcaefbb4e7ebcf0e0 100755
--- a/gga_init.py
+++ b/gga_init.py
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ import logging
 import sys
 import yaml
 import shutil
 from pathlib import Path
 from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
 import utilities
 import speciesData
+import constants
@@ -60,18 +61,18 @@ class DeploySpeciesStack(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         # Copy the custom banner to the species dir (banner used in tripal pages)
         # If the path specified is invalid (because it's empty or is still the default demo one),
         # use the default banner instead
-        if "banner_path" in self.config.keys():
-            if not config["banner_path"] == "" and os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(config["banner_path"])):
+        if constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH in self.config.keys():
+            if not config[constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH] == "" and os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(config[constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH])):
                 banner_dest_path = os.path.join(self.species_dir, os.path.abspath("banner.png"))
-                if not os.path.isfile(banner_dest_path) or not os.path.samefile(os.path.abspath(config["banner_path"]),banner_dest_path):
-                    os.symlink(os.path.abspath(self.config["banner_path"]), banner_dest_path)
-                    logging.info("Custom banner added: symlink from %s" % self.config["banner_path"])
+                if not os.path.isfile(banner_dest_path) and not os.path.islink(banner_dest_path) and not os.path.samefile(os.path.abspath(config[constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH]),banner_dest_path):
+                    os.symlink(os.path.abspath(self.config[constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH]), banner_dest_path)
+                    logging.info("Custom banner added: symlink from %s" % self.config[constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH])
-                logging.debug("Using default banner for Tripal pages")
-                self.config.pop("banner_path", None)
+                logging.debug("Using default banner for Tripal pages because %s is not valid in 'config' file" % constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH)
+                self.config.pop(constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH, None)
             logging.debug("Using default banner for Tripal pages")
-            self.config.pop("banner_path", None)
+            self.config.pop(constants.CONF_TRIPAL_BANNER_PATH, None)
         # Create nginx dirs and write/re-write nginx conf
         make_dirs(dir_paths_li=["./nginx", "./nginx/conf"])
@@ -111,7 +112,10 @@ class DeploySpeciesStack(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         input_vars = {"genus": self.genus_lowercase, "Genus": self.genus_uppercase, "species": self.species,
                       "genus_species": self.genus_species, "genus_species_strain_sex": self.species_folder_name,
                       "genus_species_sex": "{0}_{1}_{2}".format(self.genus_lowercase, self.species.lower(), self.sex),
-                      "strain": self.strain, "sex": self.sex, "Genus_species": self.genus_species[0].upper() + self.genus_species[1:]}
+                      "strain": self.strain, "sex": self.sex, "Genus_species": self.genus_species[0].upper() + self.genus_species[1:],
+                      "blast": self.blast}
+        if (len(self.config.keys()) == 0):
+            logging.error("Empty config dictionary")
         # Merge the two dicts
         render_vars = {**self.config, **input_vars}
@@ -130,6 +134,8 @@ class DeploySpeciesStack(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                 logging.debug("Writing the galaxy_nginx.conf file for %s" % self.genus_species)
+        else:
+            logging.debug("galaxy_nginx.conf already exists")
         # Create the volumes (directory) of the species docker-compose file
         create_mounts(working_dir=".", main_dir=self.main_dir)
@@ -206,22 +212,26 @@ def make_traefik_compose_files(config, main_dir):
-        if "authelia_config_path" in config.keys():
-            if not config["authelia_config_path"] == "" and os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(config["authelia_config_path"])):
-                try:
-                    shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(config["authelia_config_path"]), "./traefik/authelia/configuration.yml")
-                except Exception as exc:
-                    logging.critical("Could not copy authelia configuration file")
-                    sys.exit(exc)
-            else:
-                logging.critical("Invalid authelia configuration path (%s)" % config["authelia_config_path"])
-                sys.exit()
-        # Path to the authelia users in the repo
-        authelia_users_path = script_dir + "/files/authelia_users.yml"
-        # Copy authelia "users" file
-        if not os.path.isfile("./traefik/authelia/users.yml"):
-            shutil.copy(authelia_users_path, "./traefik/authelia/users.yml")
+        if constants.CONF_ALL_HTTPS_PORT in config.keys():
+            logging.info("HTTPS mode (with Authelia)")
+            if constants.CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH in config.keys():
+                if not config[constants.CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH] == "" and os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(config[constants.CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH])):
+                    try:
+                        shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(config[constants.CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH]), "./traefik/authelia/configuration.yml")
+                    except Exception as exc:
+                        logging.critical("Could not copy authelia configuration file")
+                        sys.exit(exc)
+                else:
+                    logging.critical("Invalid authelia configuration path (%s)" % config[constants.CONF_ALL_AUTHELIA_CONFIG_PATH])
+                    sys.exit()
+            # Path to the authelia users in the repo
+            authelia_users_path = script_dir + "/files/authelia_users.yml"
+            # Copy authelia "users" file
+            if not os.path.isfile("./traefik/authelia/users.yml"):
+                shutil.copy(authelia_users_path, "./traefik/authelia/users.yml")
+        else:
+            logging.info("HTTP mode (without Authelia)")
         # Create the mounts for the traefik and authelia services
         traefik_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(main_dir, "traefik"))
@@ -231,7 +241,6 @@ def make_traefik_compose_files(config, main_dir):
         # Return to main directory
 def create_mounts(working_dir, main_dir):
         Create the folders (volumes) required by a container (to see required volumes, check their compose file)
@@ -282,6 +291,12 @@ def create_mounts(working_dir, main_dir):
             logging.critical("Cannot access %s, exiting" % main_dir)
+def run_command(command, working_dir):
+    subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=working_dir)
+def run_docker_stack_deploy(service, working_dir):
+    run_command(["docker", "stack", "deploy", "-c", "./docker-compose.yml", service], working_dir)
 def deploy_stacks(input_list, main_dir, deploy_traefik):
     This function first deploys/redeploys the traefik stack, then deploys/redeploys the organism stack, then redeploys the traefik stack
@@ -291,7 +306,7 @@ def deploy_stacks(input_list, main_dir, deploy_traefik):
     main_dir = os.path.abspath(main_dir)
-    os.chdir(main_dir)
+    traefik_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "traefik")
     # Get species for which to deploy the stacks
     # Uses the get_unique_species_list method from utilities to deploy a stack only for the "species" level (i.e genus_species)
@@ -300,31 +315,22 @@ def deploy_stacks(input_list, main_dir, deploy_traefik):
     if deploy_traefik:
         # Create the swarm cluster if needed
         logging.info("Initializing docker swarm (adding node)")
-        subprocess.call(["docker", "swarm", "init"],
-                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=main_dir)
+        run_command(["docker", "swarm", "init"], main_dir)
         # Deploy traefik stack
         logging.info("Deploying traefik stack")
-        os.chdir("./traefik")
-        subprocess.call(["docker", "stack", "deploy", "-c", "./docker-compose.yml", "traefik"],
-                                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=".")
-        os.chdir(main_dir)
+        run_docker_stack_deploy("traefik", traefik_dir)
     # Deploy individual species stacks
     for sp in to_deploy_species_li:
-        os.chdir(sp)
+        sp_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, sp)
         logging.info("Deploying %s stack" % sp)
-        subprocess.call(["docker", "stack", "deploy", "-c", "./docker-compose.yml", "{0}_{1}".format(sp.split("_")[0], sp.split("_")[1])],
-                                           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=".")
+        run_docker_stack_deploy("{0}_{1}".format(sp.split("_")[0], sp.split("_")[1]), sp_dir)
         logging.info("Deployed %s stack" % sp)
-        os.chdir(main_dir)
     # Update traefik stack
     logging.info("Updating traefik stack")
-    os.chdir("./traefik")
-    subprocess.call(["docker", "stack", "deploy", "-c", "./docker-compose.yml", "traefik"],
-                                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=".")
-    os.chdir(main_dir)
+    run_docker_stack_deploy("traefik", traefik_dir)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -340,7 +346,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-                        help="Config path, default to the 'config' file inside the script repository")
+                        help="Config path, default to 'examples/config.yml'")
@@ -357,8 +363,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-    config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config)
+    # Parsing the config file if provided, using the default config otherwise
+    if args.config:
+        config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config)
+    else:
+        config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
     config = utilities.parse_config(config_file)
+    if (len(config.keys()) == 0):
+        logging.error("Empty config dictionary")
     main_dir = None
     if not args.main_directory:
@@ -391,7 +403,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # Starting
         logging.info("gga_init.py called for %s %s", deploy_stack_for_current_organism.genus, deploy_stack_for_current_organism.species)
-        logging.debug("Jbrowse url to %s %s %s %s", deploy_stack_for_current_organism.genus, deploy_stack_for_current_organism.species, deploy_stack_for_current_organism.sex, deploy_stack_for_current_organism.strain)
         # Make/update directory tree
diff --git a/gga_load_data.py b/gga_load_data.py
index 0dc2c796f861b87fdd26defcb49dae4887cb3a17..1e2e5c00d453c69aae031283e758bf35f83630a3 100755
--- a/gga_load_data.py
+++ b/gga_load_data.py
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import time
 import json
 import yaml
 import subprocess
 from bioblend import galaxy
 from bioblend.galaxy.objects import GalaxyInstance
 import utilities
 import speciesData
+import constants
@@ -26,13 +26,6 @@ Usage: $ python3 gga_load_data.py -i input_example.yml --config config.yml [OPTI
 Do not call this script before the galaxy container is ready
-# If this version if not found, Galaxy will use the one that is found
-GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL = "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_get_organisms/organism_get_organisms/2.3.4+galaxy0"
-DELETE_ORGANISMS_TOOL = "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_delete_organisms/organism_delete_organisms/2.3.4+galaxy0"
 class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
     Child of SpeciesData
@@ -42,6 +35,10 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
     Optional data file formatting
+    def __init__(self, parameters_dictionary):
+        self.existing_folders_cache = {}
+        self.bam_metadata_cache = {}
+        super().__init__(parameters_dictionary)
     def get_history(self):
@@ -72,8 +69,9 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         logging.debug("Getting 'Homo sapiens' ID in chado database")
-        get_sapiens_id_job_output_dataset_id = utilities.run_tool_and_get_single_output_dataset_id(self.instance,
-            tool_id=GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL,
+        get_sapiens_id_job_output_dataset_id = utilities.run_tool_and_get_single_output_dataset_id(
+            self.instance,
+            tool_id=constants.GET_ORGANISMS_TOOL, # If this version if not found, Galaxy will use the one that is found
             tool_inputs={"genus": "Homo", "species": "sapiens"})
         get_sapiens_id_json_output = self.instance.datasets.download_dataset(dataset_id=get_sapiens_id_job_output_dataset_id)
@@ -83,7 +81,8 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
             get_sapiens_id_final_output = json.loads(get_sapiens_id_json_output)[0]
             sapiens_id = str(get_sapiens_id_final_output["organism_id"])  # needs to be str to be recognized by the chado tool
-                tool_id=DELETE_ORGANISMS_TOOL,
+                self.instance,
+                tool_id=constants.DELETE_ORGANISMS_TOOL,
                 tool_inputs={"organism": sapiens_id})
         except IndexError:
@@ -113,11 +112,11 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
-        data_dir_root=os.path.join(self.get_species_dir(), HOST_DATA_DIR)
+        data_dir_root=os.path.join(self.get_species_dir(), constants.HOST_DATA_DIR)
         instance = GalaxyInstance(url=self.instance_url,
-                                              email=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_email"],
-                                              password=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_password"]
+                                              email=self.config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL],
+                                              password=self.config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
         logging.info("Looking for project data in %s" % data_dir_root)
@@ -185,8 +184,8 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
                             logging.info("Skipping useless file '%s'" % single_file)
-                        single_file_relative_path = re.sub(data_dir_root, CONTAINER_DATA_DIR_ROOT, single_file)
-                        single_file_path_in_container=os.path.join(CONTAINER_DATA_DIR_ROOT, single_file_relative_path)
+                        single_file_relative_path = re.sub(data_dir_root, constants.CONTAINER_DATA_DIR_ROOT, single_file)
+                        single_file_path_in_container=os.path.join(constants.CONTAINER_DATA_DIR_ROOT, single_file_relative_path)
                         logging.info("Adding file '%s' with type '%s' and name '%s'" % (single_file_path_in_container, ftype, clean_name))
                         datasets = prj_lib.upload_from_galaxy_fs(
@@ -290,8 +289,8 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
         logging.info("Connecting to the galaxy instance (%s)" % self.instance_url)
         self.instance = galaxy.GalaxyInstance(url=self.instance_url,
-                                              email=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_email"],
-                                              password=self.config["galaxy_default_admin_password"]
+                                              email=self.config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL],
+                                              password=self.config[constants.CONF_GALAXY_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD]
@@ -306,10 +305,7 @@ class LoadData(speciesData.SpeciesData):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automatic data loading in containers and interaction "
-                                                 "with galaxy instances for GGA"
-                                                 ", following the protocol @ "
-                                                 "http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/gga")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Load data into Galaxy library")
@@ -321,7 +317,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-                        help="Config path, default to the 'config' file inside the script repository")
+                        help="Config path, default to 'examples/config.yml'")
@@ -334,7 +330,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-    config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config)
+    # Parsing the config file if provided, using the default config otherwise
+    if args.config:
+        config_file = os.path.abspath(args.config)
+    else:
+        config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
     config = utilities.parse_config(config_file)
     main_dir = None
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         load_data_for_current_species.config = config
         # Set the instance url attribute -- Does not work with localhost on scratch (ALB)
         load_data_for_current_species.instance_url = "http://localhost:{0}/sp/{1}_{2}/galaxy/".format(
-                load_data_for_current_species.config["http_port"],
+                load_data_for_current_species.config[constants.CONF_ALL_HTTP_PORT],
diff --git a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
index 2c385d476ca128e949e9b9a1353c0679ed5d6958..71fc25f7231f2ec10847664147222300ee5abc2c 100755
--- a/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
+++ b/run_workflow_phaeoexplorer.py
@@ -452,10 +452,10 @@ class RunWorkflow(speciesData.SpeciesData):
             # In case of the Jbrowse workflow, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
             # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
             # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
-            if "menu_url" not in self.config.keys():
+            if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in self.config.keys():
                 jbrowse_menu_url = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=self.config["hostname"], genus_sp=self.genus_species, Genus=self.genus_uppercase, species=self.species, id="{id}")
-                jbrowse_menu_url = self.config["menu_url"]
+                jbrowse_menu_url = self.config["jbrowse_menu_url"]
             if workflow_name == "Jbrowse":
                 workflow_dict["steps"]["2"]["tool_state"] = workflow_dict["steps"]["2"]["tool_state"].replace("__MENU_URL__", jbrowse_menu_url)
                 # The UNIQUE_ID is specific to a combination genus_species_strain_sex so every combination should have its unique workflow
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ def run_workflow(workflow_path, workflow_parameters, datamap, config, input_spec
         # In case of the Jbrowse workflow, we unfortunately have to manually edit the parameters instead of setting them
         # as runtime values, using runtime parameters makes the tool throw an internal critical error ("replace not found" error)
         # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
-        if "menu_url" not in config.keys():
+        if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
             jbrowse_menu_url = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=self.config["hostname"], genus_sp=self.genus_species, Genus=self.genus_uppercase, species=self.species, id="{id}")
             jbrowse_menu_url = config["menu_url"]
@@ -877,10 +877,7 @@ def install_changesets_revisions_from_workflow(instance, workflow_path):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automatic data loading in containers and interaction "
-                                                 "with galaxy instances for GGA"
-                                                 ", following the protocol @ "
-                                                 "http://gitlab.sb-roscoff.fr/abims/e-infra/gga")
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run Galaxy workflows, specific to Phaeoexplorer data")
@@ -1092,11 +1089,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="\{id\}")
             jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
-            if "menu_url" not in config.keys():
+            if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
                 jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="\{id\}")
                 jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
-                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["menu_url"]
+                jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"]
                 jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="\{id\}")
@@ -1140,7 +1137,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             workflow_parameters[LOAD_FASTA_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id,
                                                     "analysis_id": org1_genome_analysis_id,
                                                     "do_update": "true"}
-            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {"menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org1}
+            # workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org1}
             workflow_parameters[JBROWSE_ORG1] = {}  
             workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG1] = {"organism": org1_org_id, "analysis_id": org1_ogs_analysis_id}
             workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG1] = {"organism_id":  org1_org_id}
@@ -1152,7 +1149,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                                                     "analysis_id": org2_genome_analysis_id,
                                                     "do_update": "true"}
             workflow_parameters[LOAD_GFF_ORG2] = {"organism": org2_org_id, "analysis_id": org2_ogs_analysis_id}
-            # workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {"menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org2}
+            # workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {"jbrowse_menu_url": jbrowse_menu_url_org2}
             workflow_parameters[JRBOWSE_ORG2] = {}
             workflow_parameters[SYNC_FEATURES_ORG2] = {"organism_id":  org2_org_id}
@@ -1187,12 +1184,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 # Scratchgmod test: need "http" (or "https"), the hostname (+ port)
                 jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
                 jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
-                if "menu_url" not in config.keys():
+                if "jbrowse_menu_url" not in config.keys():
                     jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
                     jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = "https://{hostname}/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(hostname=config["hostname"], genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
-                    jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = config["menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
+                    jbrowse_menu_url_org1 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org1_genus_species, Genus=org1_genus[0].upper() + org1_genus[1:], species=org1_species, id="{id}")
+                    jbrowse_menu_url_org2 = config["jbrowse_menu_url"] + "/sp/{genus_sp}/feature/{Genus}/{species}/mRNA/{id}".format(genus_sp=org2_genus_species, Genus=org2_genus[0].upper() + org2_genus[1:], species=org2_species, id="{id}")
                 # show_tool_add_organism = instance.tools.show_tool(tool_id="toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/gga/chado_organism_add_organism/organism_add_organism/2.3.4+galaxy0", io_details=True)
                 # print(show_tool_add_organism)
diff --git a/speciesData.py b/speciesData.py
index bb13d11c2c2979e6193b8a0f3408962f22aab910..4d4b58aeb3c1f107ebc779f3a43e8bd7b1671042 100755
--- a/speciesData.py
+++ b/speciesData.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import os
 import sys
 import utilities
 import logging
+import constants
 from _datetime import datetime
 class SpeciesData:
     This class contains attributes and functions to interact with the galaxy container of the GGA environment
@@ -48,37 +48,45 @@ class SpeciesData:
             return string
     def __init__(self, parameters_dictionary):
-        self.name = parameters_dictionary["name"]
         self.parameters_dictionary = parameters_dictionary
-        parameters_dictionary_description=parameters_dictionary["description"]
-        self.species = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description["species"])
-        self.genus = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description["genus"])
-        self.strain = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description["strain"])
-        self.sex = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description["sex"])
-        self.common = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description["common_name"])
+        self.name = parameters_dictionary[constants.ORG_PARAM_NAME]
+        parameters_dictionary_description=parameters_dictionary[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC]
+        parameters_dictionary_data = parameters_dictionary[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA]
+        parameters_dictionary_services = parameters_dictionary[constants.ORG_PARAM_SERVICES]
+        self.species = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_SPECIES])
+        self.genus = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_GENUS])
+        self.strain = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_STRAIN])
+        self.sex = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_SEX])
+        self.common = self.clean_string(parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_COMMON_NAME])
         self.date = datetime.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-        self.origin = parameters_dictionary["description"]["origin"]
-        self.performed = parameters_dictionary["data"]["performed_by"]
+        self.origin = parameters_dictionary_description[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_ORIGIN]
+        self.performed = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PERFORMED_BY]
-        if parameters_dictionary["data"]["genome_version"] == "":
+        if parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_VERSION] == "":
             self.genome_version = "1.0"
-            self.genome_version = str(parameters_dictionary["data"]["genome_version"])
-        if parameters_dictionary["data"]["ogs_version"] == "":
+            self.genome_version = str(parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_VERSION])
+        if parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_OGS_VERSION] == "":
             self.ogs_version = "1.0"
-            self.ogs_version = str(parameters_dictionary["data"]["ogs_version"])
+            self.ogs_version = str(parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_OGS_VERSION])
         # TODO: catch blocks if key is absent in input
-        self.genome_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["genome_path"]
-        self.transcripts_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["transcripts_path"]
-        self.proteins_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["proteins_path"]
-        self.gff_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["gff_path"]
-        self.interpro_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["interpro_path"]
-        self.blastp_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["blastp_path"]
-        self.blastx_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["blastx_path"]
-        self.orthofinder_path = parameters_dictionary["data"]["orthofinder_path"]
+        self.genome_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_PATH]
+        self.transcripts_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_TRANSCRIPTS_PATH]
+        self.proteins_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PROTEINS_PATH]
+        self.gff_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GFF_PATH]
+        self.interpro_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_INTERPRO_PATH]
+        self.blastp_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTP_PATH]
+        self.blastx_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTX_PATH]
+        self.orthofinder_path = parameters_dictionary_data[constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_ORTHOFINDER_PATH]
+        if(constants.ORG_PARAM_SERVICES_BLAST in parameters_dictionary_services.keys()):
+            self.blast = parameters_dictionary_services[constants.ORG_PARAM_SERVICES_BLAST]
+        else:
+            self.blast = "0"
         self.genus_lowercase = self.genus[0].lower() + self.genus[1:]
         self.genus_uppercase = self.genus[0].upper() + self.genus[1:]
@@ -121,5 +129,3 @@ class SpeciesData:
         self.species_folder_name = "_".join(utilities.filter_empty_not_empty_items(
             [self.genus_lowercase.lower(), self.species.lower(), self.strain.lower(),
-        self.existing_folders_cache = {}
-        self.bam_metadata_cache = {}
diff --git a/templates/gspecies_compose.yml.j2 b/templates/gspecies_compose.yml.j2
index e1fc127e79f5a6b20b58e426848a571022dcadc2..b1f4c6f9fe5cf6ab245be4edb8f42aba7abad9f1 100644
--- a/templates/gspecies_compose.yml.j2
+++ b/templates/gspecies_compose.yml.j2
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ services:
             - ./docker_data/galaxy/:/export/:ro
             - ./src_data/:/project_data/:ro
             - ./src_data:/data:ro
-          {% if 'banner_path' is defined %}
+          {% if 'tripal_banner_path' is defined %}
             - ./banner.png:/var/www/html/banner.png:ro
           {% endif %}
             #- /groups/XXX/:/groups/XXX/:ro  # We do this when we have symlinks in src_data pointing to /groups/XXX/...
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ services:
             SITE_NAME: "{{ Genus_species }}"
             ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: elasticsearch.{{ genus_species }}
             ENABLE_JBROWSE: /jbrowse/?data=data/{{ genus_species_strain_sex }}
-            ENABLE_APOLLO: {{ apollo }}
+            ENABLE_APOLLO: 0
             ENABLE_BLAST: {{ blast }}
-            ENABLE_DOWNLOAD: {{ download }}
-            ENABLE_WIKI: {{ wiki }}
+            ENABLE_DOWNLOAD: 1
+            ENABLE_WIKI: 0
             ENABLE_GO: 0
             ENABLE_ORTHOLOGY: 0
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ services:
         image: quay.io/galaxy-genome-annotation/docker-galaxy-annotation:gmod
-            {% if (persist_galaxy_data is defined) and (persist_galaxy_data == "False") %}
+            {% if (galaxy_persist_data is defined) and (galaxy_persist_data == "False") %}
             #- ./docker_data/galaxy/:/export/
             {% else %}
             - ./docker_data/galaxy/:/export/
@@ -140,10 +140,6 @@ services:
             PROXY_PREFIX: /sp/{{ genus_species }}/galaxy
             GALAXY_TRIPAL_URL: http://tripal.{{ genus_species }}/tripal/
             GALAXY_TRIPAL_PASSWORD: {{ tripal_password }}  # See tripal config above
-            GALAXY_WEBAPOLLO_URL: http://one-of-the-swarm-node:8888/apollo/
-            GALAXY_WEBAPOLLO_USER: "{{ webapollo_user }}"
-            GALAXY_WEBAPOLLO_PASSWORD: "{{ webapollo_password }}"  # See tripal config below
-            GALAXY_WEBAPOLLO_EXT_URL: /apollo/
             GALAXY_CHADO_DBHOST: tripal-db.{{ genus_species }}
             GALAXY_CHADO_DBSCHEMA: chado
             GALAXY_AUTO_UPDATE_DB: 1
diff --git a/templates/organisms.yml.j2 b/templates/organisms.yml.j2
index 915bbed25daf29704e3e1b2a6085a648ed849599..34f3c01293984e585f7fdf7cc5882844e5f28cd3 100644
--- a/templates/organisms.yml.j2
+++ b/templates/organisms.yml.j2
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-- name: {{ name }}
-  description:
-    genus: {{ genus }}
-    species: {{ species }}
-    sex: {{ sex }}
-    strain: {{ strain }}
-    common_name: {{ common_name }}
-    origin: {{ origin }}
-    {% if main_species is defined and main_species is sameas true %}
-    main_species: yes
+- {{ org_param_name  }}: {{ org_param_name_value }}
+  {{ org_param_desc }}:
+    {{ org_param_desc_genus }}: {{ org_param_desc_genus_value }}
+    {{ org_param_desc_species }}: {{ org_param_desc_species_value }}
+    {{ org_param_desc_sex }}: {{ org_param_desc_sex_value }}
+    {{ org_param_desc_strain }}: {{ org_param_desc_strain_value }}
+    {{ org_param_desc_common_name }}: {{ org_param_desc_common_name_value }}
+    {{ org_param_desc_origin }}: {{ org_param_desc_origin_value }}
+    {% if org_param_desc_main_species_value is defined and org_param_desc_main_species_value is sameas true %}
+    {{ org_param_desc_main_species }}: yes
     {% endif %}
-  data:
-    genome_path: {{ genome_path }}
-    transcripts_path: {{ transcripts_path }}
-    proteins_path: {{ proteins_path }}
-    gff_path: {{ gff_path }}
-    interpro_path: {{ interpro_path }}
-    orthofinder_path: {{ orthofinder_path }}
-    blastp_path: {{ blastp_path }}
-    blastx_path: {{ blastx_path }}
-    genome_version: {{ genome_version }}
-    ogs_version: {{ ogs_version }}
-    performed_by: {{ performed_by }}
-  services:
-    blast: {{ blast }}
\ No newline at end of file
+  {{ org_param_data }}:
+    {{ org_param_data_genome_path }}: {{ org_param_data_genome_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_transcripts_path }}: {{ org_param_data_transcripts_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_proteins_path }}: {{ org_param_data_proteins_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_gff_path }}: {{ org_param_data_gff_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_interpro_path }}: {{ org_param_data_interpro_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_orthofinder_path }}: {{ org_param_data_orthofinder_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_blastp_path }}: {{ org_param_data_blastp_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_blastx_path }}: {{ org_param_data_blastx_path_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_genome_version }}: {{ org_param_data_genome_version_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_ogs_version }}: {{ org_param_data_ogs_version_value }}
+    {{ org_param_data_performed_by }}: {{ org_param_data_performed_by_value }}
+  {{ org_param_services }}:
+    {{ org_param_services_blast }}: {{ org_param_services_blast_value }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/traefik_compose.yml.j2 b/templates/traefik_compose.yml.j2
index a707d1a2dc6c93626a93273d499ecab8adc7e775..c72595e3a269d5976e02ec3d60a8fda8635f45e9 100644
--- a/templates/traefik_compose.yml.j2
+++ b/templates/traefik_compose.yml.j2
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ services:
       image: postgres:12.2-alpine
-          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ authelia-db_postgres_password }}
+          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: {{ authelia_db_postgres_password }}
           - ./docker_data/authelia_db/:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
diff --git a/utilities.py b/utilities.py
index e633843af5a59c26f1109a9573420ae8f8ee06c6..3d734f24a9c9bdd82f60f6127a051602493b861b 100755
--- a/utilities.py
+++ b/utilities.py
@@ -7,7 +7,25 @@ import sys
 import os
 import subprocess
 import bioblend
+import constants
+def load_yaml(yaml_file):
+    try:
+        with open(yaml_file, 'r') as stream:
+            try:
+                data = yaml.safe_load(stream)
+            except yaml.YAMLError as err:
+                logging.critical("Input file %s is not in YAML format" % yaml_file)
+                sys.exit(err)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        logging.critical("Input file doesn't exist (%s)" % yaml_file)
+        sys.exit()
+    except OSError:
+        logging.critical("Input file cannot be read (%s)" % yaml_file)
+        sys.exit()
+    return data
 def parse_config(config_file):
@@ -17,25 +35,14 @@ def parse_config(config_file):
-    config_variables = {}
-    logging.debug("Using config: %s" % os.path.abspath(config_file))
-    try:
-        with open(config_file, 'r') as stream:
-            yaml_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream)
-            for k, v in yaml_dict.items():
-                for k2, v2 in v.items():
-                    config_variables[k2] = v2  # Add a key:value pair to variables for replacement in the compose template file
-    except FileNotFoundError:
-        logging.critical("The config file specified doesn't exist (%s)" % config_file)
-        sys.exit()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.critical("The config file specified cannot be read (%s)" % config_file)
+    config_dict = load_yaml(config_file)
+    if isinstance(config_dict, dict):
+        #logging.debug("Config dictionary: {0}".format(config_dict))
+        return config_dict
+    else:
+        logging.critical("Config yaml file is not a dictionary" % config_file)
-    return config_variables
 def parse_input(input_file):
     Parse the yml input file to extract data to create the SpeciesData objects
@@ -45,25 +52,13 @@ def parse_input(input_file):
-    sp_dict_list = []
-    try:
-        with open(input_file, 'r') as stream:
-            try:
-                sp_dict_list = yaml.safe_load(stream)
-            except yaml.YAMLError as err:
-                logging.critical("Input file is not in YAML format")
-                sys.exit(err)
-    except FileNotFoundError:
-        logging.critical("The specified input file doesn't exist (%s)" % input_file)
-        sys.exit()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.critical("The specified input file cannot be read (%s)" % input_file)
+    sp_dict_list = load_yaml(input_file)
+    if isinstance(sp_dict_list, list):
+        return sp_dict_list
+    else:
+        logging.critical("Input organisms yaml file is not a list" % input_file)
-    return sp_dict_list
 def filter_empty_not_empty_items(li):
     Separate a list between empty items and non empty items.
@@ -124,8 +119,8 @@ def get_species_history_id(instance, full_name):
 def get_gspecies_string_from_sp_dict(sp_dict):
-    genus = sp_dict["description"]["genus"]
-    species = sp_dict["description"]["species"]
+    genus = sp_dict[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC][constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_GENUS]
+    species = sp_dict[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC][constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_SPECIES]
     gspecies = genus.lower() + "_" + species.lower()
     return gspecies
@@ -164,7 +159,8 @@ def get_unique_species_dict_list(sp_dict_list):
     for sp in sp_dict_list:
         gspecies = get_gspecies_string_from_sp_dict(sp)
-        if gspecies not in unique_species_dict.keys() or sp["description"]["main_species"] == True :
+        if gspecies not in unique_species_dict.keys() or ( constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_MAIN_SPECIES in sp[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC].keys() and
+                                                           sp[constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC][constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_MAIN_SPECIES] == True ) :
             unique_species_dict[gspecies] = sp
@@ -193,4 +189,37 @@ def run_tool_and_get_single_output_dataset_id(instance, tool_id, history_id, too
     output_dict = run_tool(instance, tool_id, history_id, tool_inputs)
     single_output_dataset_id = output_dict["outputs"][0]["id"]
-    return single_output_dataset_id
\ No newline at end of file
+    return single_output_dataset_id
+def create_org_param_dict_from_constants():
+    """
+    Create a dictionary of variables containing the keys needed to render the organisms.yml.j2 (NOT the values)
+    Created from the constants
+    """
+    org_param_dict={}
+    org_param_dict["org_param_name"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_NAME
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_genus"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_GENUS
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_species"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_SPECIES
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_sex"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_SEX
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_strain"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_STRAIN
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_common_name"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_COMMON_NAME
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_origin"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_ORIGIN
+    org_param_dict["org_param_desc_main_species"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DESC_MAIN_SPECIES
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_genome_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_transcripts_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_TRANSCRIPTS_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_proteins_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PROTEINS_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_gff_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GFF_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_interpro_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_INTERPRO_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_orthofinder_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_ORTHOFINDER_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_blastp_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTP_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_blastx_path"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_BLASTX_PATH
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_genome_version"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_GENOME_VERSION
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_ogs_version"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_OGS_VERSION
+    org_param_dict["org_param_data_performed_by"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_DATA_PERFORMED_BY
+    org_param_dict["org_param_services"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_SERVICES
+    org_param_dict["org_param_services_blast"] = constants.ORG_PARAM_SERVICES_BLAST
+    return org_param_dict
\ No newline at end of file