Loraine Gueguen authored
Update compose files, authelia config. Fix banner. Write galaxy_nginx.conf only if needed. Modify authelia_config_path condition. Modify get config args. Remove deploy_stack_for_current_organism.instance_url
authelia_config.yml 14.55 KiB
# Authelia configuration #
# The host and port to listen on
port: 9091
# tls_key: /var/lib/authelia/ssl/key.pem
# tls_cert: /var/lib/authelia/ssl/cert.pem
# Level of verbosity for logs: info, debug, trace
log_level: info
## File path where the logs will be written. If not set logs are written to stdout.
# log_file_path: /var/log/authelia
# The secret used to generate JWT tokens when validating user identity by
# email confirmation.
# This secret can also be set using the env variables AUTHELIA_JWT_SECRET
# Default redirection URL
# If user tries to authenticate without any referer, Authelia
# does not know where to redirect the user to at the end of the
# authentication process.
# This parameter allows you to specify the default redirection
# URL Authelia will use in such a case.
# Note: this parameter is optional. If not provided, user won't
# be redirected upon successful authentication.
default_redirection_url: https://localhost/
# Google Analytics Tracking ID to track the usage of the portal
# using a Google Analytics dashboard.
## google_analytics: UA-00000-01
# TOTP Settings
# Parameters used for TOTP generation
# The issuer name displayed in the Authenticator application of your choice
# See: https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/wiki/Key-Uri-Format for more info on issuer names
#issuer: authelia.com
# The period in seconds a one-time password is current for. Changing this will require all users to register
# their TOTP applications again.
# Warning: before changing period read the docs link below.
#period: 30
# The skew controls number of one-time passwords either side of the current one that are valid.
# Warning: before changing skew read the docs link below.
#skew: 1
# See: https://docs.authelia.com/configuration/one-time-password.html#period-and-skew to read the documentation.
# Duo Push API
# Parameters used to contact the Duo API. Those are generated when you protect an application
# of type "Partner Auth API" in the management panel.
#hostname: api-123456789.example.com
#integration_key: ABCDEF
# This secret can also be set using the env variables AUTHELIA_DUO_API_SECRET_KEY
#secret_key: 1234567890abcdefghifjkl
# The authentication backend to use for verifying user passwords
# and retrieve information such as email address and groups
# users belong to.
# There are two supported backends: 'ldap' and 'file'.
# Disable both the HTML element and the API for reset password functionality