Arthur Le Bars authored179451df
yml_example_input.yml 3.52 KiB
# Config file for the automated creation GGA docker stacks
# The file consists in a small configurable set of users + passwords for the the stacks and a
# list of species for which the script will have to create these stacks/load data into galaxy/run workflows
# Add new config option using a config scalar
admins: # Add admin account WARNING: not supported currently, as the default connection through a web browser is using the gga account
username: "nflantier" # Desired admin username
password: "blanquette" # Desired admin password
email: "noel.flantier@mail.com" # Desired admin email
master_api_key: "master" # Master API key is useless at the moment
url_prefix: "http://localhost/ # URL prefix to forward
ectocarpus_sp1: # Dummy value the user gives to designate the species (isn't used by the script)
# Species description, leave blank if unknown or you don't want it to be used
# These parameters are used to set up the various urls and adresses in different containers
# The script requires at least the genus to be specified
genus: "ectocarpus" # Mandatory!
species: "sp1"
sex: "male"
strain: ""
common_name: ""
origin: ""
# Data files scalars contain paths to the source files that have to be loaded into galaxy
# WARNING: The paths must be absolute paths!
# If any path is left blank and the "parent_directory" scalar is specified, this directory and ALL its subdirectories will be
# scanned for files corresponding to the description provided for the species (i.e if the user specified
# the sex and strain, the script will look for files containing the genus, species, sex and strain of the species)
# If no file corresponding to the description is found, this path will be considered empty and the script will
# proceed to the next step (create the directory tree for the GGA docker stack)
# If a path is left blank and the "parent_directory" scalar is also blank, no file will be loaded for this "path" scalar
# If the files are not named using this nomenclature, please provide all the paths in the corresponding scalars below
# "parent_directory": (optional) directory from where to search files if a "***_path" scalar is empty
# NOTE: Try to set a parent directory "close" to the data files so as not to increase runtime
# If empty (""), the script will not search for files and no dataset will be loaded for the corresponding scalar
parent_directory: "/path/to/closest/parent/dir"
# "***_path": path to the file (optional if parent_directory is set and species "description" scalars are precised)
genome_path: "/path/to/fasta"
transcripts_path: "/path/to/fasta"
proteins_path: "/path/to/fasta"
gff_path: "/path/to/gff"
# If the user has several genomes to upload to galaxy, the next scalar is used by the script to differentiate
# between these different versions and name directories according to it.
# If left empty, the genome will be considered version "1.0"
genome_version: "1.0"
# Same as genome version, but for the analysis
ogs_version: ""
performed_by: ""
# Second example without the comments doc
genus: "ectocarpus"
species: "sp2"
sex: "male"
strain: ""
common_name: ""
origin: ""
parent_directory: "/path/to/closest/parent/dir"
genome_path: "/path/to/fasta"
transcripts_path: "/path/to/fasta"
proteins_path: "/path/to/fasta"
gff_path: "/path/to/gff"
genome_version: "1.0"
ogs_version: "1.0"
performed_by: ""